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Install the heating device in such a way as to leave
enough space in relation to walls, furniture, textiles
and other possible sources of fire.
Always position the heating device so it points
towards the centre of the room.
Do not move the device when in operation.
The heating device cannot be used in apartments or
similar units if the space in the place of installation is
smaller than 40 m³ and it is not ventilated adequately.
An air-intake and exhaust must be provided through
openings, with a diameter of 2500 mm
per kWh (Hs)
of heat load, but they must be divided evenly together
for the upper and lower hole, with the total diameter
of minimum of 5000 mm
The device must not be operated in high-rising living
buildings, cellars, underground spaces, bathrooms
and bedrooms, vehicles like RVs, living trailers, boats
or spaces where another liquid gas cylinder is already
The heating device can be used at an enclosed
workplace only if all the appropriate regulations
regarding health and safety are met. (Organization of
The minimum distance from other heat sources must
be at least 1 meter.
When installing the device, the minimum side
distance of 200 mm and front distance to other
objects of at least 1500 mm must always be
Do not cover the device when in operation. It could
cause overheating and a risk of fire.
The device must always be connected to an
operational earthing (grounding)(only item no.
Do not use the device near a bath tub, shower, wash
basin or swimming pool.
Do not put the electric cable on a hot surface or
The hot air output grids must not be blocked.
The electric cable must not be replaced by the user.
The device cannot be installed directly to a firm
The air stream from the device must never point to
furniture, curtains or flammable materials.
Emergency procedures
Provide the necessary first aid relevant to the injury and
ensure a qualified medical help as soon as possible.
Protect the injured person from further harm and provide
quiet and calm for them.
A first-aid kit complying to DIN 13164 must be
available at the workplace for the event of an injury.
The material taken from the kit must be replaced
If calling for help, communicate the following facts to
the operator:
1. Place of injury
2. Type of incident or accident
3. Number of persons injured
4. Type of injury
The designed purpose of use of the device
The device can be used only in well-ventilated spaces
(over 40 m³).
The device must not be operated in high-rising living
buildings, cellars, underground spaces, bathrooms
and bedrooms, vehicles like RVs, living trailers, boats
or spaces where another cylinder with liquid gas is
already placed.
This device can be used only standing on the floor.
This device can be used only in vertical position.
Any other use is in conflict with the designed
Technical data
Connection: 230 V/50 Hz
Maximum output (gas): 3100 W
Maximum output (electric
1000 W / 2000 W
Consumption: min. 226 g/h
Nominal connection pressure: 50 mbar
Weight: 13 kg
Item no.: 85023
Catalytic stove
Nominal output: 3100 W
Consumption: 226 g/h
Nominal connection pressure: 50 mbar
Weight: 12,5 kg
Item no.: 85038
Gas stove Blue
Flame 4,2 kW
Nominal output: 4200 W
Consumption: 300 g/h
Nominal connection pressure: 50 mbar
Weight: 12,5 kg
Item no.: 85056
The disposal instructions are provided in the form of
pictograms on the device or on its packaging. The
description of their meaning can be found in the chapter
Disposal of the transport packaging
The packaging protects the device from damage during
transport. The packaging materials are usually selected
with regard to the protection of the environment and the
technology of their disposal, therefore they can be
Recycling of the packaging saves raw materials and
reduces the volume of waste.
Some parts of the packaging (foils, styrofoam ®) can be
dangerous for children – Danger of suffocation!
Keep the packaging material out of reach of children and
dispose of them as soon as possible.
Requirements regarding the operator
The operator must read the operating instructions before
using the device.
No special qualification besides detailed instruction by a
specialist is required.
Minimum age
The device can be operated only by persons of over 16
years of age. An exception applies to persons under age, if
they use the device during, and in line with, their vocational
training to learn certain skills, under teacher supervision.
Training and instruction
The use of the device requires only relevant instruction. No
special training is required.

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