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Please read this manual and instructions carefully before putting the device into operation.
A.V. 2 Copying or reproduction of this manual (even of its parts) is subject to approval. Technical changes reserved.
Illustrations shown are examples! This is the original operating instructions manual.
Do you have any technical questions? Complaints or claims? Do you need spare parts or operating instructions?
We will help you quickly and without bureaucracy at our homepage www.guede.com in the Servicing part. Please help us to be able to help
you. In order to identify your device in case of a claim we need to know the serial no., product no. and year of make. You will find all of this
information on the type label. Please enter it here for easy future reference.
Serial No.: Product No.: Year of make:
Tel.: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-360 Fax: +49 (0) 79 04 / 700-51999 E-Mail: support@ts.guede.com
Product safety:
The product complies with the
appropriate standards of the
European Community
Do not pull plug by cable Do not use in rain
Do not operate the device
without the safety covers
Warning / Attention High voltage warning
Hot surface warning Explosive gas cylinder warning
In-doors use only
Maintain distance from the
Read the Operating Instructions
before use!
Pull the plug off the socket
before opening covers
Environment protection:
Do not throw into general garbage
bin, dispose of through specialized
Packaging cardboard material
can be returned for recycling at
the respective collection point.
Harmful or electric or electronic
devices intended for disposal must
be delivered to an appropriate
recycling point.
Protect from humidity Packaging orientation - up
Technical data:
Electric power connection Nominal connection pressure
Consumption Type of gas
Maximum output (gas)
Maximum output (electric
The electro-catalytic stove "DUO PLUS"
The elegantly shaped heating stove uses PB gas and an
additional electric heater. It can be used in well-
ventilated spaces (over 40 m³). The case is made of
specially-layered sheet metal, the front panel from a
decoratively perforated sheet metal for an even heat
output. Mobile, low consumption. Piezo-ignition, low-
oxygen safety shut off, thermal element. To be used with
cylinders up to 11 kg of filled weight. Chimney attachment
not required.
Gas stove 4,2 kW
An elegantly shaped heating stove using PB gas for
heating, to be used in well-ventilated spaces (minimum of
40 m³). The case is made of specially-layered sheet metal.
High heating output for quick and comfortable heat. Not
suitable for enclosed spaces or as a permanent heating
device in living spaces!

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De handleiding is 0,51 mb groot.


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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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