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Installation / first use
This appliance is equipped with a 40 cm gas hose for
connection – to ensure correct functioning, a pressure
regulator for 50 mbar on the cylinder is absolutely
necessary. We recommend the following pressure
regulators according to the purpose of use:
Leisure time use – e.g. terrace, outdoors space, tent
vestibule, party tents etc., with adequate air in-take
and exhaust, pressure regulator 50 mbar
For home use (any in-doors spaces) in compliance
with TRF1996- (amendment valid from the 1
June 2000) and for all industrial liquid-gas devices
(indoors and outdoors) in compliance with UW BGV
D34 section 11 par. 3 and 4: two-stage safety
pressure regulator ,,t" 50 mbar with pressure
gauge (not included).
Installation of the back cover - illustration 1:
To install the back cover, follow steps A, B and C:
A Turn the gas cylinder around until the opening points
outwards, to provide good access to the gas valve.
B Make sure the base of the gas cylinder is positioned
between the wheels support holder cubes.
C Install the back cover by placing the four hooks into
the openings in the protective cover.
Installation of the bottom - illustration 2:
(1) Take out the plastic button (E). Both cocks (C) of
the bottom part (B) must be fully inserted into the
back openings of the bottom (A) in the relevant
hollows (D).
Place the plastic button (E) you took out earlier into both
bottom openings (A) and (B).
Safety instructions – operation
General instructions for liquid gas cylinders handling:
Characteristics of liquid gas:
The liquid gas (propane, butane and their mixes) is a
highly flammable, colourless gas with strong smell. It is
heavier than air and it is flammable when mixed with even
a small amount of air.
Warning! Gas leaking without control can burst
into flame or explode.
The liquid gas in the cylinder is pressurized. Protect it from
temperatures over 40°C! Higher temperature, especially
due to fire, causes risk of uncontrolled gas leak and even
an explosion of the cylinder.
Malfunction procedure:
In case of malfunction and leaks (e.g. smell of gas, sounds
produced by leaking) follow these rules and guidelines:
Turn the cylinder valve off immediately (clockwise).
Do not smoke and no not use open fire.
Do not turn any electric switch on or off.
Do not make phone calls.
Open doors and windows, ensure ventilation.
If possible, carry the leaking cylinder outside of the
Leave the building and advise technical help of the
Safety prevention means:
Touch protection at the device should prevent fire and
burns; no part of the protection can be taken off
Full protection is not provided for children and ill
The heating device is equipped with a low-oxygen
safety device. If a higher concentration of carbon
dioxide (CO2) is detected in the room, the safety
device will automatically shut the appliance off. The
appliance cannot be turned back on until the room is
ventilated properly.
After use of the heating device, the cylinder valve
must be turned off!
After having read the general safety instructions and
the device-specific safety instructions and having
understood them, you can start operating the device.
Follow these instructions:
Installation of the gas cylinder:
The device uses a mixture of propane and butane
under pressure of 50 mbar.
To operate the device, a gas cylinder with liquid gas
of max. 11 kg of filling is necessary, the hose is pre-
Gas regulator must be selected and/or purchased first
of all, depending on the purpose of use.
Installation or change of cylinder with liquid gas must
be performed in non-flammable atmosphere.
When the device is not in use and during change
of the cylinder, the device valve must be turned
The tightness must be checked at first use and during
each change of the cylinder, using a bubble-
producing means (e.g. soap water).
Tightness is proven when no bubbles appear.
It is strictly forbidden to check tightness by open
The cylinder must be placed in such a position so that
it is not in contact with the sheet metal of the burner
and the gas supply attached to it. The hose must not
touch (be in contact with) the hot back side of the
The device is supplied with a 40 cm long hose. The
hose must not be shortened or exchanged for a
longer one.
Inspect the condition of the hose regularly, at least
during each change of the cylinder.
In case of damage to the hose, it must be replaced
with a hose of the same construction, tested
according to DIN DVGVV.
Connection of the hose to the regulator must be done
with minimum of V4" left thread. The screw spanner
SW 17 is required for installation.
Twisting or distortion of the gas hose during the
installation of the hose and pressure regulator to the
liquid gas cylinder is not permissible.
Warning! The hose must not touch (be in contact
with) the hot back side of the burner!
Operation with pressure regulators other than those
prescribed above is prohibited.
Make sure the hose and regulator are changed after
5 years at the latest.
Connection of the liquid gas cylinder:
Take the protective cover of the valve off.
Take the covering nut from the attachment socket off
by turning (right).
Check the rubber seal in the cylinder valve (regulator
The regulator and the hose must be screwed on
tightly (left thread). No not use any tool or instrument.
Do not turn the regulator but the sleeve nut.
Check the tightness of the connection.
Change of the liquid gas cylinder:
Close the cylinder valve
Unscrew the regulator.

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