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Instructions for use, installation and connection
Oven accessories
(differ according to different models)
Oven grid shelf for placing pans and trays, or for food to be
prepared using the grill.
Flat biscuit tray for baking cake and biscuits.
Dripping grease receptacle
(deep tray) for moist cake, for roasting or for intercepting
dripping oil/grease.
Note! Deep roasting pan used for intercepting the dripping
juice and grease during roasting, may not be inserted into the
first bottom level guide.
Baking pastry
Most appropriate position for baking is the application of both
upper and lower heater.
When baking pastry, strictly follow the instructions regarding
the selection of guide level, temperature and baking time,
and do not rely on any previous experience, because
information indicated in the baking tables have been
determined and tested specially for this particular type of
In case you may not find any particular type of cake in the
tables, use the information available for the next most similar
type of cake.
Baking with upper and lower heater
Use only a single guide level.
This baking position is especially suitable for baking dry
pastry, bread and teacakes.Use dark baking pans. Light
pans reflect heat and pastry is not adequately browned.
Always place baking pans on the grid rack. Remove the grid
only if baking in the flat biscuit tray, supplied with the
Preheating shortens the baking time. Do not put the cake in
the oven until proper temperature is obtained, and until the
red signal lamp goes off for the first time.
Baking tips
Is pastry baked?
Pierce the cake with a wooden peg at the thickest part. If the
dough does not stick to it, the cake is baked. You may switch
off the oven and use the remaining heat.
Pastry has fallen
Check the recipe. Use less fluids next time. Follow the mixing
times, especially when using powered kitchen mixers.
Pastry is too light below
Use dark baking pan next time, or place the pan one level
lower, or switch on the lower heater a while before the
Cheese cake is undercooked
Next time reduce the baking temperature and extend the
baking time.
Warnings regarding the baking tables:
The tables indicate the temperature range. Always select
lower temperature first. You may always increase the
temperature in case pastry needs more baking.
Baking times are indicative only. They may vary in
dependence of individual characteristics.
The asterix indicates that the oven requires preheating.
Pastry Baking Table
Type of pastry Guide level (from down
Baking time
(in min.)
Sweet pastr
Raisin cake 2 160-170 55-70
cake 2 160-170 60-70
Tree cake (tart form) 2 160-170 45-60
Cheese cake (tart form) 2 170-180 60-80
Fruit cake 2 180-190 50-70
Fruit cake with icin
2 170-180 60-70
e cake* 2 170-180 30-40
Flake cake 3 180-190 25-35
Fruit cake, mix dou
h 3 170-180 50-70
cake 3 180-200 30-50
roll* 3 180-190 15-25
Fruit flan 3 160-170 25-35
Plait bun 2 180-200 35-50
Cristmass cake 2 170-180 45-70
pple pie 2 180-200 40-60
Puff paste 2 170-180 40-60
Salted pastr
Bacon roll 2 180-190 45-60
Pizza* 2 210-230 30-45
Bread 2 190-210 50-60
Rolls* 2 200-220 30-40
roll 3 170-180 15-25
Biscuits 3 170-180 20-30
Danish pastr
3 180-200 20-35
3 190-200 20-30
Cream puf
3 180-200 25-45
Deep frozen pastr
pple pie, cheese pie 2 180-200 50-70
Cheese cake 2 180-190 65-85
Pizza 2 200-220 20-30
Chips for oven* 2 200-220 20-35
Potato fries for oven 2 200-220 20-35

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