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Instructions for use, installation and connection
Instructions for installation and connection
Safety precautions for installation
Installation may be carried out only by qualified personnel.
The electric installation shall be equipped with a safety
device, able to disconnect the appliance from mains in all
wires, with the distance between contacts of not less than 3
mm in open position. Good protection is provided by the LS-
switches and/or fuses.
The connection may be carried out by rubber mains lead
(type HO5RR-F with green/yellow earth wire), PVC insulated
mains lead (type HO5VV-F with green/yellow earth wire) or
other cables of equal or better quality.
Panels, glue and furniture lining from artificial materials,
adjacent to the appliance must be temperature resistant
(>75°C), otherwise they might be deformed.
Remove any packaging materials (foils, artificial foam, nails,
etc.) from the reach of children, because they represent
potential danger. Children may swallow small parts, or
suffocate with foils.
Installation of electric oven
Panels and furniture lining of the kitchen cabinet receiving
the hob must be treated with temperature resistant
adhesives (100°C), otherwise they might be discoloured or
deformed because of inadequate temperature resistance.
Before installation you must remove the rear panel from the
kitchen cabinet in the area of installation.
Follow the exact dimensions of the installation aperture,
indicated on the illustration.
Bottom of the kitchen cabinet (max 530 mm) must always be
shorter than side panels in order to provide adequate
Level the kitchen cabinet using the spirit level.
Kitchen cabinet carrying the installed appliance must be
fixed to the adjacent cabinet to ensure adequate stability.
Push the appliance into the cabinet so that screw guides
located in the oven frame holes stay on the cabinet side
panels. Be careful not to tighten the screws excessively
because you may damage the cabinet sides or the enamel
of the appliance.

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