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Press down slightly and turn the Edge device clockwise until
it locks into place.
Releasing the Edge
Turn the Edge clockwise to unlock the device.
Lift the Edge off the mount.
Turning On the Device
The first time you turn on the device, you are prompted to
configure system settings and profiles.
Hold .
Follow the on-screen instructions.
If your device includes ANT+
sensors (such as a heart rate
monitor, speed sensor, or cadence sensor), you can activate
them during configuration.
For more information about ANT+ sensors, see ANT+ Sensors,
page 7.
Select to adjust the backlight brightness.
Hold to turn the device on and off.
Select to scroll through the data screens, options, and
From the home screen, select to view the status page.
Select to scroll through the data screens, options, and
From the home screen, select to view the device menu.
Select to mark a new lap.
Select to start and stop the timer.
Select to return to the previous screen.
Select to choose an option or to acknowledge a message.
During a ride, select to view menu options such as alerts
and data fields.
Viewing the Status Page
The status page displays the connection status of the GPS,
ANT+ sensors, and your smartphone.
Select an option:
From the home screen, select .
During a ride, select > Status Page.
The status page appears. A solid icon means the signal was
found or the sensor is connected.
Using the Backlight
Select any key to turn on the backlight.
Select to adjust the backlight brightness.
From the home screen, select one or more options:
To adjust the brightness, select > Brightness >
To adjust the timeout, select > Brightness > Backlight
Timeout and select an option.
Using the Shortcut Menu
Shortcut menu options are available for data screens and
accessory features. During a ride, appears on the data
Select to view the shortcut menu options.
Acquiring Satellite Signals
The device may need a clear view of the sky to acquire satellite
signals. The time and date are set automatically based on the
GPS position.
Go outdoors to an open area.
The front of the device should be oriented toward the sky.
Wait while the device locates satellites.
It may take 30–60 seconds to locate satellite signals.
Going for a Ride
If your device was packaged with an ANT+ sensor, they are
already paired and can be activated during initial setup.
Hold to turn on the device.
Go outside, and wait while the device locates satellites.
The satellite bars turn green when the device is ready.
From the home screen, select .
Select an activity profile.
Select to start the timer.
2 Training

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  • Ik krijg mijn actuele hartslag tijdens het rijden niet in beeld. Hoe stel ik dit in? Gesteld op 19-1-2018 om 20:58

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Hoe kan ik km/h en temperatuur in graden instellen op mijn Garmin 520?Heb het niet gevonden in handleiding. Gesteld op 7-6-2017 om 15:45

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • In de handleiding van de garmin edge 520 is een lijst met wielmaat en omvang te vinden. Waarvoor is dat nodig ? In heel de handleiding is er niks van terug te vinden (denk ik). Gesteld op 17-2-2016 om 22:21

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Ik zat met dezelfde vraag. Op de site van mantel.com vond ik dit:

      "De snelheidssensor wordt bevestigd aan de naaf van een wiel, kalibreert zichzelf met je Edge en geeft de snelheid en afstand nauwkeurig door, ook bij indoortrainingen op de trainer. Hoe gemakkelijk wil je het hebben? " Geantwoord op 4-8-2016 om 08:30

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Edge 520

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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