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The front and rear panel contains all items necessary
for system operation and observation. Please read this
section of the manual carefully to make sure you
understand all the operational features for your new
FENDER BXR 200 bass amplifier.
INPUT 1 - A high impedance, high sensitivity plug-in
connection for instruments. This input can handle as
much as 2.5 volts R.M.S., and should be used with
most instruments.
INPUT 2 - Plug-in connection for instruments. This
input is recommended for basses with active pickups,
and can handle as much as 5 volts R.M.S..
DEEP - Boosts and extends the low frequency response
of the amplifier.
NOTCH - Removes midrange, making the amp sound
“punchy.” This switch is good for “thump and pluck”
BRIGHT - adds high frequency “sparkle.”
GAIN - Adjusts the gain of the pre-amplifier and
serves as an adjustment for the “loudness” of the
LOW - Adjusts the low part of the frequency spectrum,
where the deep “fundamentals” reside.
HIGH - Adjusts the high end of the frequency spec-
trum. Turning up the HIGH control will add “sparkle”
to the sound.
GRAPHIC EQUALIZER - Allows precise adjustment of
the tonal characteristics of the amplifier. Each control
provides a 12 dB boost or cut to narrow bands of fre-
quencies centered about 80, 140, 250, 450, 800,
1.4k, 2.5k, 4.5k, and 8k Hz. The 80, 140, and 250
Hz controls are used to adjust the low, mid, and high
fundamental notes of the bass. The 450, 800, 1.4k,
2.5k, 4.5k, and 8k controls allow adjustment of the
timbre of the instrument, allowing for a very wide vari-
ety of tonal characteristics.
RATE - Adjusts the sweep rate of the chorus generating
circuitry. A lower number corresponds to a slower rate
of sweep.

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