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The above diagram corresponds to the BXR 200
HEAD. Orientation differs slightly on the BXR 200
LINE CORD - This amplifier is equipped with a ground-
ing type supply cord to reduce the possibility of shock
hazard. Be sure to connect it to a grounded AC recep-
tacle. The line cord should be connected to a suitable
power source, in accordance with the voltage and fre-
quency as shown in the power rating on the rear
LINE OUTPUTS - These two outputs are derived from
the speaker outputs, and are at line level, similar to
that of the EFFECT LOOP SEND jack (item D). LINE
OUT includes the effects of DELTACOMP and CHO-
RUS if selected, and can be used to drive slave ampli-
fiers for more output. It can also be used in the studio,
with proper equalization, as a recording output.
SPEAKER OUTPUTS (Head Only)- Speaker connections
are four ohms minimum total. The two jacks are wired
in parallel. The BXR 200 HEAD is not designed for
speaker loads lower than 4 ohms total.
EFFECTS LOOP SEND - This jack provides an unbal-
anced mono output signal from the preamp at a point
before the internal chorus circuits. This output can be
used in conjunction with the RETURN (item E) as a
patch point for external mono effects devices. The
SEND can also be used to feed recording and sound
reinforcement mixers a dry signal. For a signal with
internal CHORUS, use the rear panel LINE OUT jack,
(item C). Additionally this output can be used to drive
another BXR 200 as a slave amp. This is done by con-
necting a standard guitar cord from the SEND jack of
the master amplifier to the RETURN jack of the slave.
EFFECTS LOOP RETURN - This unbalanced jack inputs
signal directly to the chorus generating circuitry, which
then drives the power amp section. It automatically dis-
connects the preamp circuitry when used. This is useful
when using the Effects Loop option or when using the
BXR 200 as a slave amplifier for a mono signal
source. The CHORUS is active in the slave so that a
chorused signal will be generated if selected.
The exclusive vinyl covering your cabinet has been
especially designed for years of lasting beauty. A very
light, soapy solution on a sponge may be used to
remove dirt and residue that may accumulate in the
fabric. Be careful not to let any liquid come in contact
with operating surfaces. UNPLUG THE POWER CORD

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