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Congratulations on your purchase of the Fender BXR
Bass amplifier. The BXR 200 is Fender’s most recent effort
in state-of-the-art bass amplifier technology, and is a mem-
ber of the FENDER BXR series. The design of the BXR 200
was carried out with the aid of some of today’s best bass
players, and represents years of thought and consideration
in determining features and specifications. The features
included in the BXR 200 will provide a forum for almost
every conceivable playing style, from “traditional” to “con-
temporary”, and those yet to come.
The preamp section of the BXR 200 features two inputs of
differing sensitivities, allowing for the use of a wide variety
of input sources and levels. A trio of ENHANCEMENT but-
tons are provided to enhance the low, mid, and high end of
the frequency spectrum. HIGH and LOW shelving controls
allow response tailoring of the high and low frequency
sounds you and your instrument produce. The 9-band
GRAPHIC EQ allows for up to 12 decibels of boost or cut in
nine bands between 80 Hz and 8kHz. Processors from sim-
ple battery powered devices to professional rack mounted
studio effects may be used at will. This facility is accom-
plished through the use of the back panel EFFECTS LOOP
The rugged power amplifier is designed to give years of
reliable service under all conditions. It is equipped with our
exclusive DELTACOMP
adaptive compressor system. With
DELTACOMP, it is practically impossible to clip (distort) the
power amplifier. The apparent release time of the compres-
sor is short, yet distortion at low frequencies is kept to a
The inclusion of CHORUS infinitely widens the range of
tonalities the BXR 200 can produce. By incorporating the
chorus circuitry within the power-amp/compressor loop,
the need for complicated and expensive compounding (qui-
eting) circuitry has been eliminated.
The BXR 200 incorporates a highly efficient, computer-
designed, tuned-port cabinet, and delivers a full 200 watts
R.M.S. to its single fifteen inch Fender Special design dri-
ver. The BXR 200 HEAD is designed to perform well with
any high quality speaker system, but performs best when
used with members of the FENDER BXR series, which
include various combinations of ten inch and fifteen inch
speaker enclosure systems.
The selection of a Fender amplifier will reward you with
years of quality performance and a wide range of musical
sounds. This manual is designed to familiarize you with the
equipment and to acquaint you with its many features.
Please read it carefully so you will benefit from all the fea-
tures as soon as you start using the amplifier.
The built in quality of a Fender amplifier is the result of over
four decades of dedication, and the combined skills of
research and development by our engineers and musicians.
That is why we proudly say...FENDER, The Sound that
Creates Legends.

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