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At the normal operation mode, press the CONF/ECON button to toggle the current set
temperature to comfortable mode or economic mode. If the operation mode is being
overriden, the HAND icon will be turned on with the current operation mode icon.
1.In the normal operation mode, the current set temperature can be overriden by
pressing the UP or DOWN button. When in override, the new set temperature will be
displayed with turning the HAND icon on and both the CONF and ECON icons off.
2.Press any button (except the UP or DOWN button), this will terminate the setting
procedure and will revert back to normal mode with the new setting.
3.The unit will revert to normal operation mode automatically when no button is pressed f
or 10 seconds.
1.Pressing the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously will activate the anti-freezing
mode (for heater mode only). The ANTIFREEZING icon and the HAND icon will be
turned on while both the COMF and ECON icon will be turned off.
2.Pressing any button will terminate the antifreezing mode and revert to normal
operation mode.
3.The default set temperature for the anti-freezing mode is 7°C.
Press the BACK-LIGHT button to turn on the backlight. The back-light will switch off when
no button is pressed for 10 seconds.
It is recommended to replace the batteries when the display is showing the battery-low
icon. To replace the battery,
1.Turn off the power of the Receiver first.
2.Remove the back housing and stand of the Desktop Unit.
3.Replace the old batteries with 2 new AA alkaline batteries.
4.Replace the back housing and stand.
5.Press the reset button once and then turn on the power switch of the Receiver.
There is a power switch on the Receiver. When there is no demand to turn on the
heating/cooling device, e.g. when you go on holiday, it is recommended to turn the power
switch to the Off position.
There are two LEDs on the Power Control Unit as status indicators:
1.Red LED turns on as long as there is power to theunit. When there is no power to the
unit or when power switch underneath the front cover is put at the Off position, the red
LED is Off.
2.Green LED turns on as long as the heating/cooling device is energised.
Physical Characteristic
Size : Control Centre 116 x 100 x 23.5 mm
Receiver : 91.5 x 91.5 x 42 mm
Weight : Control Centre 126g
Receiver : 176g
Electrical Characteristic
Power Source : Control Centre 2 AA (LR6) alkaline batteries
Receiver : 230VAC 50Hz
Clock accuracy : +/ - 60 seconds/month
Temp. measurement : 0°C to 40°C in 0.5°C resolution
Temp. accuracy : +/ - 1°C at 20°C
Temperature Control : 7°C to 30°C in step of 0.5°C
Span : 1,2,3 or 4°C
Air conditioner cycle time : 3 minutes
Operation temperature : 0°C to 40°C
Storage temperature : - 10°C to 60°C
No display:
- Batteries empty:
- Batteries are not properly installed (polarity)
Boiler does not switch on, wheel is turning:
- Wrong type battery installed, use only alkaline batteries.
- Batteries almost empty
- Wireconnection disjointed by the coronet connection
- Boiler not properly connected
- Wrong code
- Distance is to big
Thermostat does not switch on, wheel is not turning:
- Temperature set too low
- Program is manually bridged
- Switch stands on Off
Temperature cannot be properly adjusted:
- Thermostat is placed too close near a radiator or window.
- Set a smaller span.
The products are maintenance-free, so don'topen them. Clean only the outside of the
products with a soft dry cloth.Before you clean them, switch off the power of products.
Don't use carbolic cleaning products like benzene, alcohol or similar products. They are
aggressive on the surface of the appliances. Besides, zijn the steams are dangerous for
your health and combustible. Don't use sharp devices, screwdrivers, wire brushes
or similar things for cleaning.
-7- -8-

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Andere handleiding(en) van Elro KT 300RF

Elro KT 300RF Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Espanôl, Polski, Türkiye - 1 pagina's

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