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To return products, you must call Dell Customer Service at 1-800-847-4096 to receive a Credit Return
Authorization Number. To expedite the process of your refund or credit, Dell expects you to return the products to
Dell in their original packaging within 5 days of the date that Dell issues the Credit Return Authorization Number.
You must also prepay shipping charges and insure the shipment or accept the risk of loss or damage during
shipment. You may return software for a refund or credit only if the sealed package containing the floppy disk(s) or
CD(s) is unopened. Returned products must be in as-new condition, and all of the manuals, floppy disk(s), CD(s),
power cables, and other items included with a product must be returned with it. For customers who want to return,
for refund or credit only, either application or operating system software that has been installed by Dell, the whole
system must be returned, along with any media and documentation that may have been included in the original
The "Total Satisfaction" Return Policy does not apply to Dell | EMC storage products. It also does not apply to
products purchased through Dell's Software and Peripherals division. For those products, please instead refer to
Dell's Software and Peripheral's then-current return policy (see the following section, "Dell Software and
Peripherals (Canada Only)").
Dell Software and Peripherals (Canada Only)
Third-Party Software and Peripherals Products
Similar to other resellers of software and peripherals, Dell does not warrant third-party products. Third-party
software and peripheral products are covered by the warranties provided by the original manufacturer or publisher
only. Third-party manufacturer warranties vary from product to product. Consult your product documentation for
specific warranty information. More information may also be available from the manufacturer or publisher.
While Dell offers a wide selection of software and peripheral products, we do not specifically test or guarantee that
all of the products we offer work with any or all of the various models of Dell computers, nor do we test or
guarantee all of the products we sell on the hundreds of different brands of computers available today. If you have
questions about compatibility, we recommend and encourage you to contact the third-party software and
peripheral product manufacturer or publisher directly.
Dell-Branded Peripheral Products
Dell does provide a limited warranty for new Dell-branded peripheral products (products for which Dell is listed as
the manufacturer) such as monitors, batteries, memory, docking stations, and projectors. To determine which
limited warranty applies to the product you purchased, see the Dell packing slip or invoice and/or the product
documentation that accompanied your product. Descriptions of Dell's limited warranties are described in
preceding sections.
Return Policy
If you are an end-user customer who bought Dell Software and Peripherals products directly from a Dell company,
you may return Dell Software and Peripherals products that are in as-new condition to Dell up to 30 days from the
date on the packing slip or invoice for a refund of the product purchase price if already paid. This refund will not
include any shipping and handling charges shown on your packing slip or invoice; you are responsible for those.
To return products, you must call Dell Customer Service at 1-800-387-5759 to receive a Credit Return
Authorization Number. You must ship the Dell Software and Peripherals products back to Dell in their original
manufacturer's packaging (which must be in as-new condition), prepay shipping charges, and insure the shipment
or accept the risk of loss or damage during shipment.

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