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What do I do if I need warranty service?
Before the warranty expires, please call us at the relevant number listed in the following table. Please also have your
Dell Service Tag or order number available.
What will Dell do?
During the 90 days of the 90-day limited warranty and the first year of all other limited warranties: During the
90 days of the 90-day limited warranty and the first year of all other limited warranties, we will repair any Dell-
branded hardware products returned to us that prove to be defective in materials or workmanship. If we are not
able to repair the product, we will replace it with a comparable product that is new or refurbished.
When you contact us, we will issue a Return Material Authorization Number for you to include with your return.
You must return the products to us in their original or equivalent packaging, prepay shipping charges, and insure
the shipment or accept the risk if the product is lost or damaged in shipment. We will return the repaired or
replacement products to you. We will pay to ship the repaired or replaced products to you if you use an address in
Canada. Otherwise, we will ship the product to you freight collect.
If we determine that the problem is not covered under this warranty, we will notify you and inform you of service
alternatives that are available to you on a fee basis.
NOTE: Before you ship the product(s) to us, make sure to back up the data on the hard drive(s) and any other
storage device(s) in the product(s). Remove any confidential, proprietary or personal information, removable
media, such as floppy disks, CDs, or PC Cards. We are not responsible for any of your confidential, proprietary or
personal information; lost or corrupted data; or damaged or lost removable media.
During the remaining years following the first year of all limited warranties: We will replace any defective part
with new or refurbished parts, if we agree that it needs to be replaced. When you contact us, we will require a valid
credit card number at the time you request a replacement part, but we will not charge you for the replacement part
as long as you return the original part to us within 30 days after we ship the replacement part to you. If we do not
receive the original part within 30 days, we will charge to your credit card the then-current standard price for that
Individual Home Consumers; Home Office and Small
Business Customers:
Canada Only
Technical Support and Customer Service 1-800-847-4096
Medium, Large, and Global Commercial Customers;
Government, Education, and Healthcare Customers;
and Value-Added Resellers (VARs):
Technical Support 1-800-387-5757
Customer Service 1-800-326-9463
Government or Education Customers, or Individual
Home Consumers who purchased through an
Employee Purchase Program:
Technical Support 1-800-387-5757
Customer Service 1-800-326-9463 (Extension 8221 for Individual
Dell-Branded Memory

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