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We will pay to ship the part to you if you use an address in Canada. Otherwise, we will ship the part freight collect.
We will also include a prepaid shipping container with each replacement part for your use in returning the replaced
part to us.
NOTE: Before you replace parts, make sure to back up the data on the hard drive(s) and any other storage
device(s) in the product(s). We are not responsible for lost or corrupted data.
What if I purchased a service contract?
If your service contract is with Dell, service will be provided to you under the terms of the service contract. Please
refer to that contract for details on how to obtain service. Dell's service contracts can be found online at
www.dell.ca or by calling Customer Care at 1-800-847-4096. If you purchased through us a service contract with
one of our third-party service providers, please refer to that contract (mailed to you with your packing slip or
invoice) for details on how to obtain service.
How will you fix my product?
We use new and refurbished parts made by various manufacturers in performing warranty repairs and in building
replacement parts and systems. Refurbished parts and systems are parts or systems that have been returned to Dell,
some of which were never used by a customer. All parts and systems are inspected and tested for quality.
Replacement parts and systems are covered for the remaining period of the limited warranty for the product you
bought. Dell owns all parts removed from repaired products.
May I transfer the limited warranty?
Limited warranties on systems may be transferred if the current owner transfers ownership of the system and
records the transfer with us. The limited warranty on Dell-branded memory may not be transferred. You may
record your transfer by going to Dell’s website:
For Canada-purchased computers (in-country transfers) and to transfer from one customer to another, go to
For out-of-country transfers (outside of the original country of purchase), go to
If you do not have Internet access, call Dell at 1-800-847-4096 (Home Consumer customers) or 1-800-326-9463
(Corporate Commercial or Government customers).
"Total Satisfaction" Return Policy (Canada Only)
If you are an end-user customer who bought new products directly from Dell, you may return them to Dell up to
30 days after you receive them for a refund or credit of the product purchase price. If you are an end-user customer
who bought reconditioned or refurbished products from Dell, you may return them to Dell within 14 days after the
date on the packing slip or invoice for a refund or credit of the product purchase price. In either case, the refund or
credit will not include any shipping and handling charges shown on your packing slip or invoice and will be subject
to a fifteen percent (15%) restocking fee, unless otherwise prohibited by law. If you are an organization that bought
the products under a written agreement with Dell, the agreement may contain different terms for the return of
products than specified by this policy.

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