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What Does This Warranty Cover? We warrant each appliance to be free from
defects in material and workmanship. Our obligation under this warranty is limited
to replacement or repair, free of charge at our factory or authorized service
centers, of any defective or parts thereof other than parts damaged in transit,
which shall be returned to us, transportation prepaid. Please be advised that any
shipping cost for replacement items will be charged to the consumer.This
warranty shall apply only if the appliance is used in accordance with the factory
directions which acompany it.
How Long Does The Coverage Last? This warranty runs for one year from the
date of delivery and applies only to the original purchase for use.
What Does This Warranty Not Cover? This warranty does not cover defects or
damage of the appliance which result from repairs or alterations to the appliance
outside our factory or authorized service centers, nor shall it apply to any
appliance which has been subject to abuse, misuse, negligence or accidents.
Also, consequential and incidental damages resulting from the use of this product
or arising out of any breach of contract or breach of this warranty are not
recoverable under this warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not
apply to you.
How Do You Get Service? If repairs become necessary or spare parts are needed,
please write to:
De’Longhi America Inc.
Park 80 West Plaza One, 4th floor
Saddle Brook N.J. 07663
or call Service Tel. No. 1-800-322-3848
The above warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties and representations.
All implied warranties are limited to the applicable warranty period set forth
above. This limitation does apply if you enter into an extended warranty with De'
Longhi. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. De' Longhi does not
authorize any other person or company to assume for it any liability in
connection with the sale or use of its appliance.
How Does State Law Apply? This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and
you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
GB+INTRO 7-08-2003 15:54 Pagina 9

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