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Scale is mainly calcium carbonate (chalk), a harmless, naturally occurring mineral found in most
water supplies. “Hard” water contains more of this mineral than “soft” water.
When the water is heated, the minerals in the water solidify, making the water appear cloudy.
These minerals form a thin film on the walls, element and on the surface of the water. The water
may look like it has white coloured pieces of plastic floating on the surface.
On traditional kettle elements, scale forms a hard white “crust” which adversely affects
performance and reduces the life of the element.
As soon as you notice a film forming on the water, or, when cleaning the filter, if you notice a
film on the walls or the element, simply rinse the kettle and wipe it out.
Scale filter
Your kettle is fitted with a scale filter to prevent loose particles of scale being poured into your
beverage. This filter is both removable and washable.
The frequency with which you will need to clean any scale deposits from your filter will depend
on the hardness of water in your area and how often you use the kettle.
You should remove and clean the water filter when you notice any deposits being left on the filter
or if the pouring efficiency is impaired.
Removing the scale filter
Allow the kettle to cool down fully.
Disconnect the appliance from the mains electrical supply.
Make sure that your hands are clean and free from soap, cream or anything which might
taint the water.
Empty the kettle and remove the filter by pushing as shown in fig. 1.
Rinse under a tap whilst brushing with a soft brush (fig. 2).
Replace the filter (fig. 3).
To clean the scale filter
It is vital to clean and descale regularly in order to maintain good working order
Use a proprietary descaling product e.g. citric acid crystals.
We recommend using citric acid crystals as follows:
Pour into kettle about 50 gr. or 2 oz. of citric acid cristal and then fill with water up to the
max level indicated and then boil. Allow the contents to cool, and then rinse thoroughly.
Do not use a more concentrated solution. If the filter requires descaling, remove the filter and
place into the citric acid solution.
Ensure that the electrical connections are completely dry before using the kettle.
Citric acid crystals are available from most pharmacies.
GB+INTRO 7-08-2003 15:54 Pagina 8

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