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Switching on
Plug the power base into the mains socket.
Place kettle on power base.
•Press the ON/OFF switch down (fig. 6) to switch the kettle on.
The pilot lights will switch on.
The kettle will automatically switch off once the water is boiled
(the ON/OFF switch will click upwards and the lights will go
•To turn the kettle off before the water boils, you may move the
ON/OFF switch up to the OFF position, or simply lift the kettle
from its base - it will switch off and the switch will return to the OFF position automatically.
Remove the kettle from the power base and carefully pour out the water. Do not tilt kettle
suddenly or pour out at too sharp an angle.
When you lift the kettle from the base, you may see moisture on the top surface of the base.
This is condensation from the steam that causes the kettle to turn off automatically after
boiling. Steam is allowed to escape via vents in the underside of the kettle.
Condensation on
the base is perfectly normal, and should not be a cause for alarm.
1) Automatic ON/OFF switch
Your kettle is fitted with an ON/OFF switch which automatically switches off once the water has
boiled. If the kettle has just boiled, wait a minute or so before re-boiling the kettle.
Do not
attempt to hold the ON/OFF switch in the ON position or adjust the switch mechanism.
2) Safety cut-out
If the kettle is switched ON with too little or no water, it is protected against damage by a safety
cut-out which will switch off the power.
If this cut-out operates, disconnect the kettle from the mains supply and
leave to cool down
before refilling with cold water (otherwise the element could be damaged).
3) If kettle is lifted from base while operating (ON), it will automatically switch off.
Cleaning the kettle
Allow the kettle to cool down fully and disconnect the appliance from the mains before
Do not immerse the kettle or base in water.
Use a soft dampened cloth to wipe the outside of the kettle and dry with a soft, dry cloth.
•DO NOT use metal polish or harsh scouring agents.
Ensure that all connectors and sockets are kept dry.
GB+INTRO 7-08-2003 15:54 Pagina 7

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