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Disc-related Terms
Title (DVD only)
The main film, accompanying feature content, or music album. Each title is assigned a title reference number
enabling you to locate it easily.
Chapter (DVD only)
Sections of a movie or a musical piece that are smaller than titles. A title is composed of one or several
chapters. Each chapter is assigned a number to enable you to easily locate the chapter you want. Depending on
the disc, chapters may not be labeled.
Track (Audio CD only)
Sections of a movie or a musical piece on an audio CD. Each track is assigned a number, enabling you to easily
locate the track you want.
What is a DVD?
DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) is a storage medium that combines the convenience of the compact disc with the
latest digital video technology. DVD video uses modern MPEG2 data compression technology that enables an
entire feature film to be stored on a single five inch disc.
How good is the resolution of DVD compared with VHS?
The razor-sharp digital images have more than 500 lines of resolution at 720 pixels per line. This is more than
twice as high as VHS and even better than laser disc quality. DVD picture quality is easily comparable to the
digital masters produced in recording studios.
What is a DVD+RW?
DVD+ReWritable uses ‘phase change‘ media, the same technology on which rewritable CDs are based. A high-
performance laser is used to change the reflective properties of the recording layer; this process can be
repeated more than a thousand times.
What is a DVD+R?
Unlike a DVD+RW disc, a DVD+R (write-once DVD) can only be written to once. If it is not finalized after a
recording, further recordings can be added to it. Old recordings can be deleted but they can no longer be
overwritten. The deleted recordings (titles) are marked 'deleted title'.
Before a DVD+R can be played in a DVD player, it must be finalized in the DVD Recorder+VCR. Once this
process is complete, no further recordings can be added.
What can I do with my DVD Recorder+VCR?
Your DVD Recorder+VCR is a machine for recording and playing back digital video discs with ‘two-way‘
compatibility with the universal DVD video standard. This means:
existing DVD video discs can be played on the recorder.
recordings made on your DVD Recorder+VCR can be played on other DVD video players and DVD-ROM
Which discs you can use
The following discs can be used in your DVD Recorder+VCR:
Playback and recording
DVD+RW (Digital Versatile Disc + ReWritable)
DVD-RW (DVD-Rerecordable)
DVD+R (Digital Versatile Disc + Recordable)
DVD-R (DVD-Recordable)
Playback only
DVD Video (Digital Versatile Disc)
VCD (Video CD)
Audio CD (Compact Disc Digital Audio)
CD-R (CD recordable) Audio/ CD-RW (CD rewritable) Audio
Video Format : JPEG
Audio Format : CDDA / MP3
Not all recordable CDs may be played by your player.
Regional code
If the region number on your DVD disc does not correspond to the region
number of this player, the disc cannot be played.
Dual Media
Supporting Disc
±RW / ±R
Recording Format
±Disc + VR format
-RW, -R, +R
After finalize other DVD playback
All disc can playback
Does not need selection (recording format)
Remark :
A DVD Recorder+VCR that supports ‘dual media’ recording allows DVD+RW format recording (+VR) on either
DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R or DVD+RW media. Any editing feature that is available with the +RW logical format
is available on any of the media types. This system allows the flexibility for the consumer to use any of the
above media formats for recording in the same system. Since the +VR format is DVD-Video compatible, the
consumer can take any disk recorded on this platform and should be capable of playing it back on the majority
of DVD players on the market.
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