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Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. ‘Dolby‘ and the double-D symbol are trademarks of
Dolby Laboratories.
DTS and DTS Digital Out are registered trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S
patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners.
Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended
for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation.
Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Power requirements 200-240V,50/60Hz
Power consumption Maximum 26W (Stand-by :3.7W)
Dimensions (approx.)
430 *92 *312 (w*h*d)
Mass (approx.) 4.96 Kg
Operating temperature
5°C to 35°C
Operating humidity 5% to 90%
Signal system PAL
Recording formats DVD Video Recording, DVD-
Recordable discs DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, DVD-
Recordable time [DVD] Approx 1 Hour (HQ mode),
2 Hours (SP mode), 4 Hours (EP
mode), 8 Hours (SEP mode)
[VCR] SP: 3 Hours (E-180), LP : 6
Hours (E-180)
Video recording format
Sampling frequency 27MHz
Compression format MPEG 2
Audio recording format
Sampling frequency 48kHz
Compression format MPEG1 Layer2
VCR Specifications
Head system 4 Head Video, 2 Head Hi-Fi
helical scan azimuth system
Timer 24-hour display type
Tape speed SP: 23.39 mm/sec, LP: 11.70
Tape width 12.7 mm
Rewind time less than 150 sec (E-180)
Channel coverage VHF:2-12,13-20,74-80 / UHF:21-
69 / CATV:1-41
Frequency range 20Hz to 20kHz
Signal-to-noise ratio 43 dB
Dynamic range 75 dB
Channel separation 45 dB
DVD Specifications
Laser system Semiconductor laser,
wavelength 650 nm
Frequency response DVD (PCM 48 kHz): 8 Hz to 22
kHz, CD: 8 Hz to 20 kHz
Video S/N More than 60dB
Audio S/N More than 90dB
Harmonic distortion Less than 0.06%
Dynamic range More than 90 dB
Resolution over 500 lines (HQ Recording)
ANTENNA IN Antenna or CATV input, 75
VIDEO IN 1.0 Vp-p 75 , sync negative,
RCA jack x 2
AUDIO IN -8.8 dBm more than 47 k, RCA
jack (L, R) x 2
DV IN (Optional) 4 pin (i.LINK/IEEE 1394 standard)
VIDEO OUT Composite output (1.0 Vp-p,
unbalanced) RGB output (75 in
load, R:0.7Vp-p, G:0.7Vp-p,
S-VIDEO OUT (Y) 1.0 V (p-p), 75 , negative sync,
Mini DIN 4-pin x 1, (C) 0.286 V
(p-p) 75
(Y) 1.0 V (p-p), 75 , negative
sync, RCA jack x 1
(Progressive Scan) (Pb)/(Pr) 0.7 V (p-p), 75 , RCA
jack x 2
AUDIO OUT Digital audio : 0.5 V (p-p), 75 ,
RCA jack x 1
Analog audio : 1.1 Vrms (1 kHz, -
6 dB), 600 , RCA jack (L, R) x 2
RF OUT CH.52 (default)
Scart cable (Only for france) .....................................1
RF Coaxial Cable ...................................................... 1
Blank DVD+RW disc ................................................ 1
Remote control ........................................................ 1
Batteries .................................................................. 2
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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