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Sausage Bites in
Mustard Wine Sauce
Preparing this dish is a breeze, and it will be
a hit every time – it is in the Test Kitchen!
Pair this with nice crusty bread and a favorite
bottle of wine. Your guests will love you.
Setting: Brown/Sauté
Makes 8 appetizer servings
24 ounces smoked chicken or turkey
sausage, cut on the diagonal into
½-inch slices
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 medium onion peeled, cut into
½-inch pieces
cups dry white wine
¼ cup Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley,
for garnish
1. Set the Multicooker to Brown/Sauté at
400°F. Cooking in three to four batches (you
don’t want to overcrowd the pot or the
sausage will not brown well), add sausage
to the cooking pot, cooking each batch,
until sausage is nicely browned (about 4 to
5 minutes per batch).
2. Once the sausages are browned, return all
to the pot and reduce the heat to 350°F.
Add the oil. Add the onions and cook 10 to
12 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until
softened and translucent.
3. Raise the heat again to 400°F and add the
wine. Bring the wine to a boil and cook until
reduced by about two thirds, stirring
4. Finally, reduce the heat to 300°F and stir in
the Dijon. Simmer, uncovered, until
sausages are completely coated and sauce
is slightly thickened, about 2 minutes.
5. Garnish with parsley and serve.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 189 (38% from fat) • carb. 8g • pro.13g
• fat 8g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 45mg • sod. 963mg
• calc. 26mg • fiber 1g
Vegetable Dumplings
Serve these healthy homemade dumplings
alongside a soy dipping sauce for a fun
hors d’oeuvre.
Settings: Brown/Sauté
Makes 16 dumplings
1 teaspoon grapeseed oil
3 ounces shiitake mushrooms, diced
¼ cup shredded carrot
¼ cup diced red bell pepper
¼ cup shredded napa cabbage
teaspoons finely chopped scallion
1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger
teaspoons soy sauce, reduced
sodium, plus more for serving
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
½ teaspoon fish sauce
¾ teaspoon rice vinegar
nonstick cooking spray
16 wonton wrappers
1 quart water for steaming, plus more
for assembling dumplings
1. Put the oil into the cooking pot of the
Multicooker set to Brown/Sauté at 400°F.
Add the mushrooms, carrot, pepper and
cabbage and cook for 1 to 1½ minutes to
soften slightly.
2. Stir in the scallion and ginger and cook until
fragrant, 30 seconds. Add the soy sauce,
sesame oil, fish sauce and vinegar and
cook about 1 minute longer, until liquid is
absorbed. Transfer filling to a bowl and set
aside to cool slightly.
3. Carefully clean out cooking pot and return
to base of unit. Lightly coat the steaming
rack with nonstick cooking spray and put 1
quart of water into the cooking pot of the
Multicooker fitted with the rack.
4. Set up your work station with a small bowl
of water and a pastry brush, large plate or
cutting board, wonton wrappers, and
wonton filling. Working with 3 to 6 wonton
wrappers at a time, place 1 heaping
teaspoon of filling in the middle of each
wrapper. Brush the edges of the wrappers
with water and bring two opposite corners
up, making a triangle. Crimp all edges like
a pleat and pinch to seal, using more water
if needed.
5. Repeat with the remaining wonton
wrappers. Keep the prepared dumplings

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Cuisinart MSC-400 Recepten - English - 32 pagina's

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