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Breakfast & Starters
Spinach & Gruyère
Breakfast Strata
This is a delicious dish to have at brunch
for a crowd. The flavors are rich and it takes
only a few steps to complete.
Settings: Brown/Sauté
Slow Cook
Makes twelve 1-cup servings
teaspoons olive oil
1 garlic clove, peeled and finely
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided
8 large eggs
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon dried mustard powder
1 loaf (1 pound) challah bread, cut into
1-inch cubes
4 ounces baby spinach
6 ounces Gruyère, shredded
1. Put the oil into the cooking pot of the
Multicooker, set to Brown/Sauté at 350°F.
Once preheated, add the garlic, onion and
a pinch of the salt. Sauté until golden and
fragrant, about 3 to 4 minutes. Meanwhile,
in a large bowl combine the eggs, cream,
milk, pepper, remaining salt, nutmeg, and
mustard powder. Whisk well to combine.
Add the bread cubes, spinach and cheese.
Mix well to fully coat.
2. Add the soaked bread cubes to the pot and
stir once more to incorporate the onion and
garlic. Cover and switch from Brown/Sauté
to Slow Cook set on Low for 3½ hours.
3. Once time has expired, the unit will
automatically switch to Keep Warm.
This is best served immediately.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 331 (55% from fat) • carb. 22g • pro. 14g
• fat 20g • sat. fat 10g • chol. 206mg • sod. 500mg
• calc. 254mg • fiber 1g
Maple Cinnamon
Milk gives the oatmeal a creamy consistency.
Water, however, can easily be substituted,
should you prefer.
Setting: Slow Cook
Makes six 1-cup servings
cups steel cut oats
3 cups water
3 cups milk (may use whole or
reduced fat), divided
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1 cinnamon stick
½ teaspoon kosher salt
pinch ground nutmeg
½ cup raisins or other dried fruit (for
larger dried fruit varieties, chop into
bite-size pieces)
1. Put the oats, water, 1½ cups of milk, maple
syrup, cinnamon stick, salt, nutmeg and
dried fruit into the cooking pot of the
2. Cover and set to Slow Cook on Low for
2½ hours.
3. Once unit switches to Keep Warm,
stir the remaining milk into oatmeal.
Remove cinnamon stick and serve
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 277 (21% from fat) • carb. 46g • pro. 9g
• fat 7g • sat. fat 3g • chol. 18mg • sod. 258mg
• calc. 160mg • fiber 5g

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Cuisinart MSC-400 Recepten - English - 32 pagina's

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