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Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 546 (13% from fat) • carb. 74g • pro. 44g
• fat 8g • sat. fat 2g • chol. 87mg • sod. 786mg
• calc. 36mg • fiber 6g
Jambalaya with Sausage
& Shrimp
Makes 4 cups
4 ounces smoked chicken or turkey
andouille sausage*
cooking spray
8 ounces shrimp, peeled, deveined, cut in
half lengthwise
1 teaspoon good quality olive oil
½ cup finely chopped onions
¼ cup finely chopped celery
3 tablespoons chopped green bell pepper
(¼-inch chop)
3 tablespoons chopped red bell pepper
(¼-inch chop)
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
cups (Rice Cooker) long grain rice
1 teaspoon thyme
½ teaspoon chili powder
cups (standard liquid measure) chicken
¾ cup tomato sauce
1 bay leaf
3 tablespoons chopped Italian parsley
or other hot sauce
Cut sausage into ½-inch slices. Lightly coat the
interior of the steamer tray with cooking spray.
Place the sausage and shrimp into the steaming
tray; reserve.
Insert the cooking bowl into the Cuisinart
Cooker/Steamer. Place the olive oil in the bowl,
cover, and turn on. After 1 minute, add the onions,
celery, green and red peppers, and garlic; stir to
coat with oil. Cover and cook 3 to 4 minutes. Stir
in the rice, thyme, and chili powder. Stir until rice
is opaque, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the chicken stock
and tomato sauce; tuck in the bay leaf. Cover and
cook for 10 minutes. Place the filled steaming tray
on the cooking bowl; cover. Continue to cook until
Rice Cooker switches to Warm, 8 to 10 minutes
longer. Let stand at Warm for 5 minutes. Remove
and discard bay leaf. Gently toss rice mixture with
steamed shrimp and sausage. Add half the parsley
and toss to combine. Transfer to a warmed bowl
to serve. Sprinkle with remaining chopped parsley.
Serve with hot sauce if desired.
*Smoked chicken or turkey andouille sausage has
much less fat than traditional pork andouille. It
can be found in many well-stocked grocery stores.
Smoked turkey kielbasa can be substituted.
Nutritional information per serving (based on 4 servings):
Calories 299 (8% from fat) • carb. 50g • pro. 19g
• fat 3g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 113mg • sod. 644mg
• calc. 59g • fiber 2g
Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
No fuss, no stirring, no boiling over, no burned
pan! Hot oatmeal has never been so easy to
serve as it is when cooked in your Cuisinart
Makes 8 servings (about ¾ cup each)
4 cups (Rice Cooker) rolled oats
(not quick cooking)
6 cups (standard liquid measure) water
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons raisins
Insert bowl In Cuisinart
Rice Cooker/Steamer.
Place oatmeal, water, cinnamon and salt in bowl;
stir. Sprinkle raisins over top. Cover and turn on;
cooking time will be about 15 to 18 minutes. When
unit switches to Warm, Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
is ready to serve, or it may be kept on Warm. Stir
before serving. Serve hot as is, or sprinkle with a
sweetener such as brown sugar, honey or maple
syrup. A dollop of yogurt (plain or vanilla) or milk
to taste may be added.
Note: Other dried fruits may be substituted for the
raisins. Try dried cherries, cranberries or blueber-
ries, slivered dried apricots or plums or chopped
dried apples.
You may make this oatmeal using Irish Oats.
Combine 1 Rice Cooker cup of Irish Oats with 3
(standard liquid measure) cups water in a bowl;
cover, refrigerate and soak overnight. Transfer the
soaked oatmeal and liquid to the cooking bowl.
Stir in cinnamon, salt and raisins. Turn on. When
unit switches to Warm, the Irish Oatmeal is done.
Stir before serving.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 154 (12% from fat) • carb. 32 mg • pro. 5g
• fat 2g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 154 mg
calc. 32 mg • fiber 4g

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Cuisinart CRC 800 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 40 pagina's

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