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TipS and HinTS
Many family favorites can be easily
adapted for preparation in your
Electric Pressure Cooker –
soups, stews, side dishes and more.
The amount of liquid needed is much
less than for traditional cooking
Never exceed the Maximum Fill Amount
of the pressure cooker.
Make sure the lid is on firmly and tightly,
and moved as far counterclockwise as
it will go to allow proper locking.
Hot foods/liquids will come to pressure
more quickly than cold foods/liquids.
When pressure cooking is completed,
follow recipe instructions for releasing
pressure. For Quick Pressure Release it
is important to begin immediately upon
completion of pressure cooking;
otherwise foods will continue to cook,
and may overcook.
Do not store pressure cooker with
lid on tightly. This saves on gasket wear
and tear.
More nutrients are preserved during
pressure cooking than with traditional
cooking methods, as less liquid is used
and thus fewer nutrients are lost to
To adapt your own recipes, find a similar
one in our cookbook and use it as a
guide. In general, cooking time will be
at least
to ½ of the traditional cooking
time. Reduce your cooking liquid by at
least half – you may need to “play” with
your recipe to get it right. You may wish
to add vegetables at the end of cooking
to avoid overcooking. You can also use
the cooking charts provided as a guide.
If something is almost cooked, use
Simmer to complete cooking.
Cooking TimeS
Poultry and Meats .............................2-3
Vegetables ............................................ 4
Rice and Grains .................................... 5
Dried Beans .......................................... 6
LIST OF RECIPES ................................ 7
Suggested Cooking Times for Poultry
and Meats
Be sure to add at least 1 cup of liquid
when pressure cooking meats for
45 minutes or less, and 1½ cups if
cooking for longer amounts of time. Be
sure to add vegetables such as chopped
onions, carrots, and celery and aromatic
herbs such as garlic, parsley, thyme, etc.
for added flavor. Most items are cooked
on High Pressure unless otherwise
indicated. For best results and flavor,
most poultry and meats benefit from
browning first. Cooking times will vary
slightly due to individual size of pieces
and starting temperatures.
poulTry & meaTS
Food Cooking Time Pressure Release Method
Whole – up to 4 pounds
24 to 28 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Chicken Breast,
bone in, 3 pounds
9 to 10 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Boneless Chicken Breast,
2 pounds
5 to 6 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Thighs/Legs, bone in 9 to 12 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Thighs/Legs, boneless 8 to 10 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Pot Roast, Bottom
Round, 3-3½ pounds
99 minutes
Natural Pressure Release
Brisket, 2½-2 pounds 55 minutes
Natural Pressure Release
Corned Beef Brisket
24 minutes per pound
Natural Pressure Release
Short Ribs, 2-3 inches
50 minutes
Natural Pressure Release
Stew – to 2-inch cubes
10 minutes
Natural Pressure Release (see recipe for
Beef Stew for times with vegetables)
Shanks, four, 12 ounces
24 minutes
Natural Pressure Release
Shoulder cubes for stew,
about 1½ inches
22 to 25 minutes
Natural Pressure Release
Chops, Loin, bone in,
¾-1 inch thick
9-11 minutes, brown
Quick Pressure Release
Boneless Shoulder Roast,
about 3 pounds
50 to 55 minutes
Natural Pressure Release
Spareribs, cut into 2 to 3
rib pieces
22 to 28 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Boneless Shoulder Roast
10 minutes per
pound (weight is
important to avoid
Natural Pressure Release
Cubes for stew,
1½-2 inches
9 to 10 minutes
Natural Pressure Release

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