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Vegetables should be well washed and peeled if necessary. Vegetables cook very
quickly – be sure to use Quick Pressure Release immediately after audible beep
sounds. If vegetables require more cooking, turn pressure cooker off, and cover to
steam the vegetables until preferred texture is reached. Add ½ cup water or liquid for
cooking. If pressure cooking frozen vegetables, 1 to 2 minutes additional cooking time
and longer steaming time may be needed. When cooking vegetables it is always best
to undercook, then allow additional time to steam – to avoid overcooking. All cooking
is on High Pressure unless otherwise indicated.
Rice and Grains
Rice and grains cook best in a large amount of water, with the excess water drained
when cooking and pressure release are completed. In most cases, cooking is done
using High Pressure, followed by a combination of Natural and Quick Pressure
Release. If further cooking is needed, select Simmer and cook until tender. Rice and
grains are best slightly undercooked if they are to be added to soups or casseroles. Oil
or butter must be added to prevent foaming.
A general formula to follow, unless you are preparing a specific recipe or the chart
below indicates otherwise, is to cook 2 cups of the rice or grain in 6½ cups liquid with
1 to 2 tablespoons butter or oil. DO NOT COOK MORE THAN THIS AMOUNT.
The exception is white rice, which is cooked differently from speciality rice and grains.
Use specific directions for cooking white rice.
White Rice
Use this method for cooking long-grain or basmati rice. The texture will be more moist
and slightly stickier than rice cooked on the stovetop, more like rice from a rice cooker
or from an Asian restaurant. The butter or oil is necessary to prevent foaming. Salt is
optional to taste (you may wish to omit salt completely if using a purchased broth).
White rice is cooked for 3 minutes on High Pressure, followed by 7 minutes on Natural
Pressure Release, then Quick Pressure Release if any pressure remains.
Do not fill (rice and liquid combined) past the halfway mark when cooking white rice.
Food Cooking Time Pressure Release Method
4 medium/large, 8 to 10 ounces
7 to 9 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Beans, Green or Yellow Waxy
pounds, cut into 2-inch
1 to 2 minutes/Low
Quick Pressure Release
24 to 26 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
cut into large florets
2 to 3 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
cut into large
2 to 3 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
cut into 2-inch lengths
– or “baby cut”
8 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
½-inch slices
2 to 3 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
4 to 6 ears
(use trivet/rack)
1 minute
Quick Pressure Release
collards, kale, cut into
1-inch strips
5 to 7 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
baby peeled
2 to 4 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
peeled, cut into
2-inch pieces
3 to 4 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
½-inch slices
1 to 2 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
medium quartered
5 to 7 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
new (2-3 oz each)
5 to 8 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Sweet, 2-inch cubes
5 to 6 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Squash – Winter
halved & seeded
6 to 8 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
peeled & sliced
3 to 4 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Squash, Yellow Crookneck
or Zucchini,
cut into ½-inch
1 to 3 minutes
Quick Pressure Release
Rice/Grain Cooking Time/Pressure/Pressure Release
Sauté rice in butter/oil until opaque. Add liquid. High
Pressure for 6 minutes, followed by Quick Pressure Release.
Black Japonica, Brown Rice,
Red Rice, Wehani Rice
High Pressure for 10 minutes. Natural Pressure Release for
10 minutes, followed by Quick Pressure Release.
Wild Rice
High Pressure for 20 minutes. Natural Pressure for 10
minutes, followed by Quick Pressure Release.
Amaranth (1 cup amaranth
+ 2 cups liquid/water)
High Pressure for 6 minutes. Quick Pressure Release.
Followed by Simmer if too much liquid.
High Pressure for 20 minutes. Natural Pressure for 10
minutes, followed by Quick Pressure Release.
Quinoa (1½ cups quinoa + 2¼
cups liquid/water)
High Pressure for 2 minutes. Natural Pressure Release for 10
minutes, followed by Quick Pressure Release.
Wheat Berries
High Pressure for 30 minutes. Natural Pressure Release for
10 minutes, followed by Quick Pressure Release.
Rice Amount Liquid/Butter or Oil Yield (when fluffed)
1 cup
1½ cups + 1 tablespoon butter or oil 3 cups
2¼ cups + 1 tablespoon butter or oil 4 to cups
2 cups
3 cups + 2 tablespoons butter or oil 5½ to 6 cups
3 cups
4¼ cups + 2 tablespoons butter or oil 7½ to 8 cups
4 cups 5 cups + 2 tablespoons butter or oil 11 to 12 cups

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Cuisinart CPC-610A Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 9 pagina's

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