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Cut a piece of aluminum foil about 24
inches long. Fold in half lengthwise,
then fold in half again two more times to
create a strip about 24 inches in length
and 2 inches wide to make a “cradle.
Place on counter and set filled springform
pan in the center. Cover cheesecake
with a piece of buttered aluminum foil
making the sides tight, but allowing room
for the cheesecake to expand. Bring the
ends of the cradle strip upward. Use the
cradle to help lower the cheesecake into
the cooking pot of the Cuisinart
Pressure Cooker and place on the trivet.
Cover and lock lid in place. Select High
Pressure and set timer for 8 minutes.
When audible beep sounds, use natural
pressure release to release pressure.
Remove cheesecake from the cooking
pot using the foil strips to lift up. Place on
a cooling rack. Remove foil and plastic
wrap. If moisture has accumulated on
the top, dab gently with a paper towel to
remove. Let cool to room temperature,
then cover and refrigerate. Before serving
remove from springform pan and garnish
if desired.
Nutritional information per serving (based on 8 serv-
Calories 299 (67% from fat) carb. 19g pro. 6g
• fat 23g • sat. fat 14g • chol. 119mg • sod.
• calc. 59mg • fiber 0g
Mango Coconut
Bread Pudding
For a warm dessert, bread pudding can
be mixed and assembled ahead, then
baked while dinner is being served.
Serve with fresh raspberries or Simple
Raspberry Sauce (page 35), and top with
sweetened softly whipped cream, or ice
cream – vanilla, ginger or coconut.
Makes 8 to 12 servings
1 tablespoon unsalted butter,
6 cups bread cubes made from
challah bread or other bread with
dense texture
1 mango (about 1 pound), firm but
ripe, peeled and cut into ½-inch
cubes (2 cups)
cup sweetened flaked/shredded
5 large eggs
cups (one 12-ounce can) lowfat
evaporated milk (not
cups coconut milk
½ cup packed brown sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon ground allspice
Coat a 2-quart ceramic souff dish (8-
inch diameter) with the melted butter
and reserve. Cut a piece of aluminum foil
16 inches square and lightly butter an
8-inch round in its center. Cut a piece of
aluminum foil about 24 inches long. Fold
in half lengthwise, then fold in half again
two more times to create a strip about
24 inches in length and 2 inches wide to
make a “cradle” and reserve.
Place the bread cubes, mango and
coconut in a large bowl. Place the eggs in
a medium bowl. Whisk until smooth. Add
evaporated milk, coconut milk, brown
sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, and
allspice. Whisk to combine. Pour over the
bread cube mixture and stir gently. Pour
into prepared souffdish and let stand at
room temperature for 30 minutes.
Cover with prepared sheet of foil,
buttered side down, so that the foil
allows for the top of the bread pudding
to expand, but fits tightly around the
sides of the soufflé dish. Set the dish in
the center of the long strip of folded foil
and bring up the sides to meet twist
together to form a handle.
Place trivet/rack in the cooking pot and
add 2 cups of cold water. Using the foil
cradle to help lift the dish, carefully lower
the dish into the pot and place on the
Cover and lock lid in place. Select High
Pressure and set timer for 25 minutes.
When audible beep sounds, use Natural
Pressure Release to release pressure.
When float valve drops, turn off. Remove
lid carefully, tilting away from you to
allow steam to disperse. Remove bread
pudding from the cooking pot using
the foil strips to lift up. Place on a
cooling rack. Remove foil. Let stand 10
minutes before serving, or cool to room
temperature, then cover and refrigerate.
Serve with softly whipped cream if desired.
Nutritional information per serving
(based on 12 servings):
Calories 206 (45% from fat) carb. 24g pro. 4g
• fat 10g • sat. fat 6g • chol. 109mg • sod. 125mg
• calc. 39mg • fiber 1g
Creamy Rice Pudding
Using coconut milk gives this rice pudding a
hint of coconut and a very creamy texture.
Makes 6 cups
cups Arborio or Carnaroli rice
2 cups whole milk
1 can (14-ounce) lite coconut milk
1 cup water
½ cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon salt
teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup dried tart cherries, dried cubed
mango or papaya, or golden raisins
Rinse rice and drain. Place rice, whole milk,
coconut milk, water, sugar, cinnamon, and
salt in the cooking pot. Select Sauand
bring to a low boil, stirring constantly to
dissolve the sugar. As soon as the mixture
comes to a boil, cover and lock lid in place.
Select Low Pressure and set timer for 15
When audible beep sounds, use Quick
Pressure Release to release pressure. Turn
off. When float valve drops, remove lid
carefully, tilting away from you to allow steam
to disperse. Add vanilla and dried fruit and
stir. Place cover on pot, but do not turn on.
Let stand for 15 minutes. Stir and serve. May
be garnished with a sprinkling of cinnamon
and freshly whipped cream.
Nutritional information per serving cup):
Calories 142 (22% from fat) carb. 25g pro. 3g
• fat 4g • sat. fat 2g • chol. 7mg • sod. 126mg
• calc. 72mg • fiber 1g
Ginger Steamed Pears
with Vanilla Bean
Mascarpone Cream
Makes 4 servings
Vanilla Bean Mascarpone Cream
(recipe follows)
1 cup medium dry sherry
¼ cup granulated sugar
2 strips lemon zest
(about 2x½ inches each)
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
4-5 slices fresh ginger
4 pears, about 8 to 10 ounces each
½ whole lemon
Fresh raspberries and chocolate
shavings or candied ginger for
Prepare Vanilla Bean Mascarpone Cream.
Cover and refrigerate until ready to use;
remove from refrigerator 30 minutes before
Place sherry, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice
and ginger in the cooking pot of the Cuisinart
Pressure Cooker. Select Simmer and cook
until the sugar is dissolved. Remove a slice
from the bottom of each pear, and use a
small melon baller to remove the core. Peel
the pear vertically, leaving stripes of peel on
the pear. Rub cut surfaces with lemon half.
Place trivet/rack in cooking pot of the
Electric Pressure Cooker. Place
a heatproof 8-inch plate on the trivet and
arrange pears on plate. Select High Pressure
and cook for 4 minutes.When audible beep
sounds, use Quick Pressure Release to
release pressure. Remove pears, plate and
trivet. Add any liquid that has accumulated
on the plate to the cooking pot. Let pears
cool, then cover and refrigerate until ready
to serve. Select Simmer and cook the liquid
for about 20 to 25 minutes, until it is reduced
by about half (you should have slightly more
than ½ cup after reducing). Strain and cool.

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Cuisinart CPC-610A Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 9 pagina's

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