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To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock,
injury to persons or exposure to excessive
microwave oven energy when using your
appliance, follow basic precautions,
including the following:
1. The oven must be placed on a level
2. The glass turntable and turntable
assembly must be in the oven during
cooking. Handle the glass turntable
carefully and place cookware on it gently
to avoid possible breakage.
3. Incorrect use of browning dish may
cause the turntable to break. See
information about cookware you can use,
page 8-9.
4. Use only the correctly specified bag size
when using the preset popcorn program.
5. The oven has several built-in safety
switches to ensure that the power
remains off when the door is open.
Do not tamper with these switches.
6. Do not operate the microwave oven
empty. Operating the oven with no food
or food that is extremely low in moisture
can cause fire, charring or sparking.
7. Do not cook bacon directly on the
turntable. Excessive local heating of the
turntable may cause the turntable to
8. Do not heat baby bottles or baby food in
the microwave oven. Uneven heating/
hotspots may occur and cause injury.
9. Do not heat narrow-necked containers,
such as syrup bottles.
10. Do not attempt to deep-fry in your
microwave oven.
11. Do not attempt home canning in this
microwave oven, as it is impossible
to be sure all contents of the jar have
reached boiling temperature.
12. Do not use this microwave oven for
commercial purposes. This microwave
oven is made for household use only.
13. Failure to maintain the oven in a clean
condition could lead to deterioration
that could adversely affect the life of
the appliance and possibly result in a
hazardous situation.
Model: CMW-200
Rated Voltage: 120V~60Hz
Rotate Input M/W Power: 1500W
Rated Output Power: 1000W
Rated Input Power Grill: 1100W
Rated Input Power Convection: 1500W
Oven Capacity: 32 L
Turntable Diameter: Ø12.40 inches
External Dimensions:
20.4" x 18.9" x 12.4"
Approximate Net Weight: 40.8 lbs

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