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This appliance must be grounded. In
the event of an electrical short circuit,
grounding reduces the risk of electric
shock by providing an escape wire for the
electric current. This appliance is equipped
with a cord with a grounding wire and
grounding plug. The plug must be plugged
into an outlet that is properly installed and
grounded. Consult a qualified electrician
or serviceman if the grounding instructions
are not completely understood or if doubt
exists as to whether the appliance is
properly grounded. If it is necessary to
use an extension cord, use only a 3-wire
extension cord that has a 3-pronged
grounding plug, and a 3-slot receptacle
that will accept the plug on the appliance.
1. A short power-supply cord is provided to
reduce the risks resulting from becoming
entangled in or tripping over a longer
2. Longer cord sets or an extension cord
should not be used unless the following
precautions are followed (see 3, below).
3. If a long cord or extension cord is used:
The marked electrical rating of the cord
set or extension cord should match the
rating of the appliance.
The extension cord must be a grounding-
type 3-wire cord.
The longer cord should be arranged so
that it will not drape over the countertop
or tabletop where it can be pulled on by
children or tripped over.
Important Safety Instructions............2
Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave Energy............3
Special Cord Set Instructions ...........3
Grounding Instructions.................4
Introduction .........................4
Important Safeguards..................5
Parts and Accessories .................6
Installation ..........................6
About Your Oven .....................7
About Cookware .....................8
Materials You Can Use
in Microwave Oven....................8
Materials to be Avoided
in Microwave Oven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Containers ..........................9
About Microwave Cooking..............9
About Food ........................10
About Safety........................10
Operating Instructions ................11
Special Features.....................16
Other Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Memory ...........................18
Care and Cleaning ...................18
Troubleshooting .....................19
Warranty ...........................20
Cuisinart is about to change the way
you cook! With the debut of this new
Convection Microwave Oven and Grill,
you have a broader range of cooking
options than ever before. Get ready to
enjoy the speed of a microwave, the
quality of convection baking, and all the
top-browning talents of a grill. Best of all,
your new oven is engineered with preset
controls and combination settings to
take the guesswork out of temperature
and timing. You can even program it to
automatically switch from one function to
another. And it all happens right on your
countertop…time to get cooking!

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