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Oven will not start a. Electrical cord is not plugged in.
b. Door is open.
c. Wrong operation is set.
a Plug into the outlet.
b. Close the door and try again.
c. Check instructions.
Arcing or sparking a. Materials to be avoided in Microwave
oven were used.
b. The oven is operated when empty.
c. Spilled food remains in the cavity.
a. Use microwave-safe cookware only.
b. Do not operate with oven empty.
c. Clean cavity with wet towel.
Unevenly cooked
a. Materials to be avoided in microwave
oven were used.
b. Food is not defrosted completely.
c. Cooking time, power level is not
d. Food is not turned or stirred.
a. Use microwave-safe cookware only.
b. Completely defrost food.
c. Use correct cooking time, power level.
d. Turn or stir food.
Overcooked foods Cooking time, power level is not
Use correct cooking time, power level.
Undercooked foods a. Materials to be avoided in microwave
oven were used.
b. Food is not defrosted completely.
c. Oven ventilation ports are restricted.
d. Use correct cooking time, power
a. Use microwave-safe cookware only.
b. Completely defrost food.
c. Check to see that oven ventilation ports
are not restricted.
d. Cooking time, power level is not
Improper defrosting a. Materials to be avoided in microwave
oven were used.
b. Cooking time, power level is not
c. Food is not turned or stirred.
a. Use microwave-safe cookware only.
b. Use correct cooking time, power level.
c. Turn or stir food.
cool, then wash it carefully in warm, sudsy
water or in the dishwasher. The turntable
and shaft can be broken if dropped.
Remember, do not operate the oven
without the turntable, turntable shaft and
ring assembly in place.
How to Clean the Outside
Do not use cleaners containing ammonia or
alcohol on the microwave oven. Ammonia
or alcohol can damage the appearance of
the microwave.
Clean the outside of the microwave with a
sudsy cloth. Rinse with a damp cloth and
then dry. Wipe the window clean with a
damp cloth.
Control Panel and Door
Wipe with a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly.
Do not use cleaning sprays, large amounts
of soap and water, abrasives or sharp
objects on the panel—they can damage it.
Some paper towels can also scratch the
control panel.
Door Surface
It is important to keep the area clean where
the door seals against the microwave. Use
only mild, non-abrasive detergents applied
with a clean sponge or soft cloth. Rinse
Power Cord
If the cord becomes soiled, unplug and
wash with a damp cloth. For stubborn
spots, sudsy water may be used, but be
certain to rinse with a damp cloth and dry
thoroughly before plugging cord into outlet.

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