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EXAMPLE 1: Turn off siren sound number 2:
1. Look for the siren’s sound number 2 location on the Matrix.
2. The location is at the intersection of column 1 and row 2. Note the column and row
3. With the ignition on, enter you disarming code on the PlainView valet switch, then hold
the switch in its momentary position until you hear a chirp and see the LED turn on.
4. Select feature column 1 by pressing the switch to its latched position, then back to
center. After a brief pause, you’ll hear 1 chirp to indicate column 1.
5. Press and release the momentary side twice. You’ll hear a total of two chirps to
indicate that you selected the feature in row 2 of that column.
6. After a brief pause, you’ll hear a single chirp to indicate that sound #2 is now off.
7. Turn the ignition off (you’ll hear 3 chirps) and you’re done!
If you wish to turn siren sound 2 back on, simply repeat steps 1–7.
EXAMPLE 2: Turn off siren sound numbers 4 and 6, then turn on QuietChirps:
This time, we will change the settings of three different features. This time, you’ll hear
the appropriate chirp confirmations, but we won’t make note of them in the instructions
1. Enter program mode (step 3 above).
2. Latched, center to select column 1.
3. Four momentaries, (wait for the one-chirp “feature off” confirmation), then 6
momentaries to jump to row number 6.
4. Four latched-center presses to select column 4.
5. One momentary, (wait for the two-chirp “feature on” confirmation), then turn the
ignition off and you’re done.
You just changed the settings of three different features. It’s so easy, you could even do it
while driving. To set all three features back to their factory settings, just repeat steps 1-5.
Adding new remote controls
For other drivers in your family or if you wish to control Concept systems on your other
cars with the same remote control, you can buy additional remote controls from any
Authorized Clifford Dealer (or call our 24-hour Customer Service Department at
800-824-3208) and program them into the system yourself. Each Concept 50 will respond
to as many as four 12-channel remote controls. To add a new remote control to the
system, use the procedures noted in the
User-selectable features
section on pages 19–21.
How to erase the codes of lost or stolen remote controls
If one of your remote controls is ever lost or stolen, you can erase its digital codes from
the system memory to make sure that the missing remote control can never be used to
disarm your system. To do so, use the “Erase all channels” feature (feature column 2,
row 6 on the Matrix of user-selectable features on pages 20–21). This will clear all
remote control codes from the system memory. Then simply program each remaining
and/or replacement remote control as noted in the Adding new remote controls section
© Copyright Clifford Electronics, Inc., 1994 31-070D/C50OM/194

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