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User-selectable features
Your Concept 50 allows you to set many of its features to your own personal
preferences. Although the system’s programming capabilities are very extensive, we
have made the programming procedures very simple: to make a change, you just flick
the PlainView switch a few times. Once you’ve changed a few settings, you’ll find that
programming Concept 50 is so easy, you can even do it while driving! The system comes
with all of its features pre-programmed as noted by the bold type in the Matrix of
user-selectable features on the following page. To change any of the settings, use the
steps noted below. To restore the feature to its factory setting, just repeat the procedure:
1. Refer to the Matrix of user-selectable features and make note of the column number
and row number of the feature(s) you wish to program.
2. Insert your ignition key and turn it to the “ON” position, or start the engine (skip this
step if the engine is already running).
3. Enter your disarming code, then press and hold the PlainView switch to its
spring-loaded momentary side for about 3 seconds until you hear a siren chirp.
You’ll also notice that the system LED turns on to indicate that the system is in its
programming mode. The system is now in the “Feature Select” position: the top left
cell of the matrix. From this position, you will first select the feature column (from
left to right), then the feature row (from top to bottom).
4. Select the feature column: To select the column you wish, toggle the switch in and
out of the latched position the same number of times as the column number of the
selected feature (NOTE: each latched-to-center motion is counted as one). After a
one-second pause, you will hear the same number of chirps as the column number
you have selected, audibly confirming your selection.
5. Select the feature row: To select the feature’s row, immediately tap and release the
momentary side of the switch the same number of times as the feature’s row number.
You will hear a single chirp confirmation each time you press the momentary side to
help you count.
If there is a
number listed in the selected feature of
the matrix, perform the actions listed for that note. Once you have completed the
NOTE instructions, skip step 6 below and go to step 7.
6. After a one-second pause you will hear either one chirp to indicate that the feature
you selected is now turned off, or two chirps to indicate that the feature is now on (on
the siren duration feature, one chirp = 30 seconds, two = 60 seconds).
7. You have now completed the programming of the desired featured. You may select
another feature, or you may exit program mode:
a. To program another feature in that same column, you must repeat step 5 within
the next 3 seconds (if longer than 3 seconds, you will hear three chirps to indicate
that you are now in the “Feature Select” position).
b. To select a different feature column, go to step 4.
c. To exit program mode, turn the ignition off (you’ll hear 3 chirps and the LED will
turn off to indicate exit of program mode). If driving, just wait for 30 seconds and
the system will automatically exit programming mode by itself (indicated by 3
chirps and extinguishing of the LED).
The above may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. There is just a lot of explanation
involved with each step. Briefly, here is all you do: Choose the feature you want to
change, enter program mode, select the feature’s column and row, then turn off the
ignition. That’s it! Try the examples on page 22 to see just how easy it really is.

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