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Matrix of user-selectable features
Feature Select
Column 1
1st latched
Column 2
2nd latched
Column 3
3rd latched
Column 4
4th latched
Column 5
5th latched
Column 6
6th latched
Row 1
1st momentary
Sound 1: on/off
info on page 18
Add new remote to
channel 1 (arm/disarm)
info on page 9–10 & 23
Test/adjust primary (normal)
zone of vibration sensor
info on pages 13–14
QuietChirps: on/off
info on page 18
Anti-carjacking: on/off
info on page 7–8
Headlight timer: 1sec–2.5min (30sec)
info on pages 11 & 17
Row 2
2nd momentary
Sound 2:
info on page 18
Add new remote to
channel 2 (trunk/timer)
info on page 9–10 & 23
Test/adjust secondary (high)
zone of vibration sensor
info on pages 13–14
chirp silencing: on/
info on page 18
Remote control button/channel
sequence for anti-carjacking
info on page 8
RPM monitoring: on/off
Row 3
3rd momentary
Sound 3: on/off
info on page 18
Add new remote to
channel 3 (silent
info on page 9–10 & 23
Test/adjust glass
tampering sensor
info on pages 13–14
15-second entry delay: on/off
info on page 12
Add a dedicated
anti-carjacking remote control
info on page 8
courtesy lights: on/off
Row 4
4th momentary
Sound 4: on/off
info on page 18
Add new remote to
channel 4 (accessory 1)
info on page 9–10 & 23
Pulsed/constant ground
output upon panic
AutoLock/UnLock: on/off
info on page 17
Set idle RPM
Channel 4 output:
Row 5
5th momentary
Sound 5:
info on page 18
Add new remote to
channel 5 (accessory 2)
info on page 9–10 & 23
Headlight Reminder:
info on page 16
Smart AutoArming:
info on page 12
Siren duration:
/60 sec.
info on page 18
Channel 5 output:
Row 6
6th momentary
Sound 6: on/off
info on page 18
Erase all channels
info on page 9–10 & 23
FACT: on/off
info on page 15
AutoArm & Lock: on/off
info on page 12
Set a new secret
disarming/valet code
info on pages 7–8 & 13
QuickAccess valet mode: on/off
info on page 16
Gray cells indicate features that require programming by trained Clifford installers. DO NOT change any of these setting.
If you have remote window and sunroof closure, DO NOT CHANGE THIS SETTING; it requires installer-only adjustment. Changing the duration may cause damage.
NOTE 1: Transmit channel 1 (or other channel of your choosing) of the new remote control.
You will hear two chirps to indicate that the code has been accepted and recorded.
NOTE 2: Transmit channel 2 (or other channel of your choosing) of the new remote control.
You will hear two chirps to indicate that the code has been accepted and recorded.
NOTE 3: Transmit channel 3 (or other channel of your choosing) of the new remote control.
You will hear two chirps to indicate that the code has been accepted and recorded.
NOTE 4: Transmit channel 4 (or other channel of your choosing) of the new remote control.
You will hear two chirps to indicate that the code has been accepted and recorded.
NOTE 5: Transmit channel 5 (or other channel of your choosing) of the new remote control.
You will hear two chirps to indicate that the code has been accepted and recorded.
NOTE 6: When you hear the two chirps, all remote control codes will have been erased from
system memory. You must now add the new and/or existing remote controls to the system
(i.e., program channels 1–5 of each remote that will be used with your Concept 50).
NOTE 7: Turn off the ignition, exit the vehicle (taking the keys with you) and close the doors.
Firmly “thump” the window pillar with the side of your fist. You should hear a chirp to
confirm activation of the sensor’s main zone. Use remote control button 2 to increase
sensitivity, button 4 to decrease. Repeat until the sensor is set to the sensitivity you wish,
then press remote control button 1 to end programming mode.
NOTE 8: Use the same procedure as NOTE 7, but strike the window pillar lightly.
NOTE 9: Use the same procedure as NOTE 7, but firmly tap a coin (such as a quarter) against
the window to test sensitivity.
NOTE 10: Transmit the first channel of your choice (any channel from 1–12). You will hear a
one-chirp confirmation. Transmit the second channel of your choice (again, any channel you
wish from 1–12). You will hear a two-chirp confirmation. You may now use this
combination to turn off the 20-second anti-carjacking countdown.
NOTE 11: Transmit the channel of your choice on the dedicated anti-carjacking remote
control. You will hear two chirps to indicate that that remote control button will now turn
off the 20-second anti-carjacking countdown. Be sure to carry this remote on your person,
since a carjacker will undoubtedly take your usual remote control and purse.
NOTE 12: Immediately flip the switch to its latched position, then enter the new code that
you wish to use. Make sure to return the switch to its center position when complete, then
wait 3 seconds (you will hear two chirps when the system has accepted the new code). Turn
the ignition off. VERY IMPORTANT: You must immediately test your new secret
disarming/valet code: Turn the ignition on, enter your new code, then flip the switch to its
latched position. The LED will illuminate. If it does not, the new code you programmed and
the one you just entered do not match. The system has reverted to the previous code.
NOTE 13: The timer starts as soon as you enable this feature (6 latches, 1 momentary). When
the duration you wish has been reached, press button 1 on the remote control. You will hear two
chirps to confirm the new duration.

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