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Washing of cloths
l The cloths can be washed in a washing machine
at 60°C and dried in a tumbler. Avoid the use of
a softener which may reduce the absorbency of
the cloth.
NOTE! When empty and lead over a bump - i.e. a
threshold - the STC 3000 may make a chinking
sound. It is not a fault and has no functional
importance. The reason is that the built-in pressure
switch may vibrate a little and thus touch parts of
the boiler.
l Always remove the plug from the socket before
any maintenance of the steam cleaner.
l The electrical components of the cleaner must
only be checked by an authorised service shop.
l Check the electric cable for damages or aging at
regular intervals. If the condition of the machine
is not all right, it must not be used.
l Never empty the machine as long as the water in
the boiler is still hot.
Cleaning of the machine
Clean the machine with a damp cloth.
Cleaning of boiler
WARNING! Always clean the machine when it is
cold and NOT connected to the power supply.
The boiler should be descaled each 4-6 weeks
dependent on the water and how often the steam
cleaner is used.
STC 2000
The boiler is most easily cleaned by filling it with
approximately ½ litre of water, screwing the water
filling cap on and shaking it. Thus the scale deposits
at the bottom come loose. Then pour out the water
and scale deposits and any dirt will be rinsed out.
l Empty the tank by unscrewing the drain plug and
letting the water off. (The drain plug is a
threaded rubber plug on the underside of the
steam cleaner). Do not forget to screw the drain
plug on again. If much scale comes out during
the emptying, repeat the procedure.
STC 3000
The boiler is most easily cleaned by filling it with
approx. ¼ litre of water and approx. ¼ litre of 32%
acetic acid, screwing the water filling cap on and
shaking it. Leave the machine for 10 minutes and
then empty the tank by unscrewing the drain plug
and letting the water off. (The drain plug is a
threaded rubber plug on the underside of the steam
cleaner). Do not forget to screw the drain plug on
again. If much scale comes out during the emptying,
repeat the procedure. Afterwards the boiler should
be carefully flushed with clean water.
4.0 Maintenance
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