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Operating Instructions GB
2.6 End of operation and storage
After use the steam cleaner should be stopped in
the following way:
1. Press the stop button for steam supply (6). The
orange light will turn out.
2. Press the stop button for the steam cleaner (the
orange light in the button will turn off) and
disconnect the plug from the socket.
3. Detach the hose (10).
Now the steam cleaner can be placed in the store
2.7 Accessories
Mounting of accessories. Push the chosen
accessory on to the extension or the spray handle
until the button (A) falls into place.
NOTE: Mounting or dismounting of accessories
may be a little more tricky when the steam cleaner
is hot as the materials will naturally expand a little
when hot.
2.7.1 Floor brush (14)
The floor brush used for the cleaning of floors and
other big surfaces is mounted with one or two
extensions on the spray handle. By pushing the
check pawl (A) forward and backward you may
choose between a locked or a movable position of
the brush.
2.7.2 Carpet adapter
The carpet adapter is used for the protection of
sensitive surfaces against the bristles of the floor
brush. It is slid over the bristles of the floor brush.
The adapter can be used with the enclosed cloth
(19), which is secured by the clips (B) on the upper
side of the floor brush.
When the adapter is used with cloth, the dirt is
collected in the floor brush which will have to be
cleaned at intervals.
2.7.3 Triangular brush (16)
The triangular brush used for cleaning of small
surfaces and corners is mounted directly on the
spray handle or together with one or two extensions
according to the character of the task.
By pushing the check pawl (A) forward and back-
ward you may choose between a locked or a
movable position of the brush.
The enclosed cloth can be mounted by tipping up
the clips (B) on the upper side of the brush.
2.7.4 Steam nozzle (17) and small brush (18)
WARNING! The steam nozzle may become very
hot. The steam nozzle is used for cleaning of
stubborn stains or places hard to get at, as for
instance chinks or the like. It is mounted on the
spray handle or with one or two extensions
according to the character of the task. For use with
the steam nozzle a small round brush (18) is
included, which is used if the cleaning task requires
brushing during steam affection.
2.7.5 Glass cleaner (21) (only STC 3000)
The glass cleaner is intended for the cleaning of
windows, mirrors and other smooth surfaces. The
glass cleaner can be mounted directly on the spray
handle or with one or two extensions as occasion
When the rubber scraper is dismounted, the nozzle
can be used for application of steam. For light steam
cleaning of textiles as an example.
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