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3.0 Cleaning with the steam cleaner GB
A steam cleaner is an efficient appliance for domes-
tic cleaning. The diagram below is a list of inspiration
showing for which cleaning tasks in normal everyday
life the steam cleaner will be of practical use. As
cleaning tasks vary from home to home, the list
should not be considered adequate, but examples of
how to get started with steam cleaning.
One of the advantages of a steam cleaner is that no
chemicals are used as the 140°C hot steam looses
filth and dirt. It is collected in a cloth mounted on the
brush or removed afterwards by means of a cloth.
An important advantage is that steam is disinfecting.
NOTE ! When starting a new cleaning job, you
should try on a hidden spot as in some cases the
steam may discolour and cause minor damage to
the surfaces to be cleaned. Soft surfaces can be
cleaned with the steam cleaner by holding the
brush at a suitable distance from the sensitive
surface (approx. 5-10 cm).
The steam volume is infinitely variable by means of
the steam button at top of the machine (3). Always
use as little steam as possible to save energy.
When cleaning soft objects always use as little
steam as possible.
Object Accessory Method
Exhaust hood Triangular brush (16) Pull the brush mounted with a cloth over the even surfaces. For
very dirty steel screens, use the steam nozzle.
Tiles and other Floor brush (14) With cloth mounted pull slightly over the surface. For soft
hard surfaces as or surfaces fold the cloth to reduce the heat affection.
for instance triangular brush (16) For very dirty tile joints use the steam nozzle, if necessary
walls and ceilings (steam nozzle (17) + mounted with the small round brush.
small round brush (18))
Freezer Steam nozzle (17) Defrosting. Let the steam under the ice by making a hole in the
ice with the steam jet and the ice will fall off in big flakes.
Wash basin Steam nozzle (17) Flush with the nozzle. Collect any dirt with a cloth.
Cooker Steam nozzle (17) Flush with the nozzle. Collect any dirt with a cloth.
Refrigerator Steam nozzle (17) Flush with the nozzle. Collect any dirt with a cloth.
Triangular brush (16) For big, even surfaces the triangular brush mounted with a
cloth may be used.
Furniture Triangular brush (16) With cloth mounted (folded if necessary) slightly pull over the
Floor brush (14) upholstery. Do not forget to try on a hidden spot at first.
Radiator Steam nozzle (17) The concentrated steam jet will remove and bind the dust.
Place papers or the like under the radiator to collect dirt and
Toilet Steam nozzle (17) Flush with the nozzle. Collect any dirt with a cloth.
Carpets Floor brush (14) With carpet adapter (15) mounted, pull slightly over the carpet.
Do not forget to clean the floor brush at intervals as dirt will
Windows, Glass cleaner (21) Start at the top by steaming the glass and pull the rubber
mirrors and scraper over the glass. Alternatively steam the whole window
other glass at a time and afterwards pull the rubber scraper over the glass.
surfaces In cold environments the glass must be carefully warmed up as
(only STC 3000) otherwise the glass may be subjected to stress.
Blinds Triangular brush (16) Mounted with a cloth. Close the blinds and slightly pull over it.
Clothes Steam nozzle (17) or Used for steam cleaning of clothes. Creases and wrinkles
glass cleaner (21) will straighten out when on a hanger.
without scraper
(only STC 3000)
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