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GL2400 User Guide 21
The matrix adds to the powerful multi-tasking capability of the
GL2400. It provides a set of 4 additional console outputs. It is a
‘mixer within a mixer’ creating its output from any combination of the
groups, main LR mix and external input. It can be used to provide
duplicate main outputs or to create new mixes from these outputs.
The matrix controls are positioned conveniently away from the live
performance controls to avoid accidental operation.
Use the matrix to create special mixes for delay fill and zone speakers,
recording and broadcast feeds, IEM (in-ear monitors), hearing assist
loops and so on. Mono and stereo feeds can be created. For
example, mix L and R to create a mono sum output to feed an
additional zone, or use two matrix outputs with L fed to one, R to the
other to create an independent stereo main output. Mix in an external
source such as an ambience microphone preamp to add atmosphere
and audience reaction to a recording or monitor. Compensate for an
acoustically loud backline by boosting selected groups in a live
recording. For more information, refer to ‘Operating Tips’ later in this
EXT IN Mixes in an external nominal 0dBu line level source. The
rotary provides +6dB boost. Note that EXT IN jack sockets are
normalled (linked) in a way that lets you plug in a mono or stereo
common source to feed all the matrices, or an independent source to
each. Plug into EXT1 only to feed one source to all four matrix EXT IN
controls. Plug L into EXT1 and R into EXT2 only to feed a stereo
source to matrix 1-2 and 3-4.
Some examples include adding ambience sources to recordings and
in-ear monitoring, adding a direct output or an aux mix to quickly
create a monitor from the main mix plus selected channel/s, and
linking in another console to feed the same PA in a festival or other
dual console situation.
GRP 1 (2,3,4) Mixes in the post-fader, post-mute group mix. The
rotary provides +6dB boost.
L (R) Mixes in the post-fader, post-mute main LR mix. The rotary
provides +6dB boost. Turn up both L and R to create a mono sum
from the stereo LR mix. Turn up L in one matrix, R in another to create
a stereo output from two matrices.
LEVEL The master level control (fader) for the matrix. Provides
+6dB boost above the normal ‘0’ setting.
MUTE When pressed the matrix output is turned off. The red
indicator lights when the matrix is muted. Mute does not affect the
matrix AFL monitoring.
AFL Press AFL to listen to the post-level matrix mix in the
headphones and local monitor without affecting the main outputs.
The console monitor meters are interrupted with the matrix signal.
The yellow indicator lights to show that AFL has been selected on that
master. Note that MUTE does not affect the AFL function. This means
that you can check the matrix signal while its output is muted.
OO +6
O +6
O +6
O +6
O +6
O +6
O +6
O +6

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