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14 EN
Cabinet Cleaning
Wipe the front panel and other exterior surfaces of the
VCR with a soft cloth that has been immersed in lukewarm
water and wrung dry.
Never use a solvent or alcohol. Do not spray insecticide
liquid near the VCR. Such chemicals may cause damage
and discolouration to the exposed surfaces.
Auto Head Cleaning
This feature automatically cleans the heads as you insert or
remove a cassette to ensure a clear picture.
The playback picture may become blurred or interrupted
even if the TV programme received is clear. This does not
mean that the recorded programme has been erased. This
problem is caused by dirt accumulated on the head after
long periods of use, or usage of rental or old tapes. In this
case, head cleaning requires highly technical expertise and
the nearest dealer should therefore be consulted. Clean
heads only when problems occur.
Should your VCR become inoperative, do not try to correct
the problem by yourself. There are no user-serviceable parts
inside. Turn the unit off, unplug the power cord, and take the
unit to a Service Centre for servicing.
Troubleshooting Guide
If you have followed the instructions contained in this manual and have difficulty in operating your VCR, locate the SYMPTOM
in the left column below. Check the corresponding cell CORRECTIVE ACTION columns to remedy the problem.
Make your contribution to the environment!!!
Spent batteries do not belong in the dustbin.
You can dispose of them at a collection point for spent
batteries or special waste.
Contact your council for details.
No power. Make sure the power cord is connected to an AC outlet.
Make sure the power is turned on.
Timer recording is not possible. Make sure the timer recording is set correctly.
Make sure the power is off.
Make sure the VCR clock is set correctly.
Recording mode cannot be engaged. Make sure the erase-prevention tab on the tape is intact. If removed,
cover the hole after the tab with adhesive tape.
No picture or poor picture on playback. Set your TV to the video channel.
Fine tune your TV.
No picture but the audio is OK in playback. Head cleaning is necessary, consult the nearest Authorized Service
Playback picture is partially noisy.
Adjust tracking control for a better picture by using
CHANNEL (o/p).
On-the-air TV programmes cannot be seen. Re-check the AERIAL and RF OUT connections.
Set your TV to the TV channel correctly.
No operation by infrared Remote Control. Check the batteries in the remote control.
Video or colour fades in and out when
making a copy of a video tape.
You cannot copy a copyrighted video tape. You are experiencing copy
guard protection.
HG462ED(EN).fm Page 14 Wednesday, March 3, 2004 7:49 PM

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