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Chapter 11 Packages
Media Server User’s Guide
190 Temperature
Difference from
High This indicates the value of 100 - the temperature in degrees Celsius.
Manufacturers can set a minimum threshold that corresponds to a
maximum temperature.
191 G-sense error
Low This is the number of mistakes caused by impact loads.
192 Power-off Retract
Low This is how many times the heads are loaded off the media.
193 Load/Unload
Low This is the number of load and unload cycles into head landing zone
194 Temperature Low This is the hard drive’s internal temperature.
195 Hardware ECC
High This is the time between ECC (Error Correction Code)-corrected errors.
196 Reallocation
Event Count
Low This is the total number of reallocation (remap) operations. The raw value
is the total attempts to move data from reallocated sectors to a spare
area. Successful and unsuccessful attempts are both included.
197 Current Pending
Sector Count
Low This is the number of unstable sectors awaiting reallocation. If the sector
is later successfully written or read, this value decreases and reallocation
is not performed. Only failed write attempts cause a reallocation, not read
errors. This can be difficult to test since only direct I/O writes to the disk
cause reallocations, not cached writes.
198 Uncorrectable
Sector Count
Low This is the number of errors reading or writing a sector that were not
correctable. An increase in this value is an indicator of disk surface
defects or mechanical subsystem problems.
199 UltraDMA CRC
Error Count
Low This is the number of data transfer errors through the interface cable
according to the ICRC (Interface Cyclic Redundancy Check).
200 Write Error Rate
/ Multi-Zone
Error Rate
Low This is the total number of errors in writing sectors.
201 Soft Read Error
Low This is the number of read/write head off-track errors. If the value is not
zero, make a backup.
202 Data Address
Mark Errors
Low This is the number of data address mark errors. This could also be a
different, manufacturer-specific attribute.
203 Run Out Cancel Low This is the number of ECC (Error Correction Code) errors.
204 Soft ECC
Low This is the number of errors corrected by software ECC (Error Correction
205 Thermal Asperity
Rate (TAR)
Low This is the number of thermal asperity errors. Thermal asperity is a read
signal spike caused by sensor temperature rise due to touching the disk
surface or contaminant particles.
206 Flying Height This is the height of the hard drive’s read/write heads above the disk
207 Spin High
This is the quantity of high current used to spin up the drive.
208 Spin Buzz This is the number of buzz routines to spin up the drive. When the arm
holding the read/write heads is stuck, the motor driving it tries to oscillate
the arm to free it. This causes an audible vibration.
209 Offline Seek
This is the hard drive’s seek performance during offline operations. Offline
operations are tests the drive does itself as opposed to those that an
external diagnostic tool has it do. Seek performance is how quickly the
drive moves from track to track.
Table 93 S.M.A.R.T. Attributes (continued)

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