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Chapter 10 Applications
Media Server User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
10.5 The Media Server Screens
The media server application allows you to share media files with media clients.
Table 35 Applications > FTP
Enable FTP You can use FTP to send files to the NSA or get files from the NSA. Select this check box
to allow users to connect to the NSA via FTP; otherwise clear the check box.
Connection Limit Enter the maximum number of concurrent FTP connections allowed on the NSA in this
field. See your screen for your model’s connection limit.
Idle Timeout Enter the length of time that an FTP connection can be idle before timing out. The
timeout limit is 300 minutes.
Port Number This is the port number used by the NSA for FTP traffic.
Enable Anonymous
FTP Access
Select this check box to allow any user to log into the NSA using ‘FTP’ or ‘anonymous’
as a username and no password. Any other name is considered a username, so must be
valid and have a corresponding correct password.
Customize the port
range for data
Select this check box to assign a port range for FTP clients to use when downloading
files from the NSA using passive mode.
The connection limit is restricted to half of the port numbers within the range if this
value is smaller than the one configured in the Connection Limit field. For example,
you specified a port range from 1024 to 1029 and configured 10 in the Connection
Limit field. The FTP connection limit will only be 3 (6 ports in the range divided by 2)
because it is the smaller value.
Starting Port Enter the first port number in the range. Choose from 1024 to 65535.
Ending Port Enter the last port number in the range. Choose from 1024 to 65535.
Rate For All Users
(include admin)
Select this if you want to limit the download/upload bandwidth for all users who are
logged into the NSA, including the administrator.
Max. Download Rate - Enter the download speed (in kilobytes/s) that the NSA
allows for users who are logged into the NSA.
Max. Upload Rate - Enter the upload speed (in kilobytes/s) that the NSA allows for
users who are logged into the NSA.
Rate For
Anonymous Users
Select this if you want to limit the download/upload bandwidth for users who log into
the NSA using ‘FTP’ or ‘anonymous’ as a username and no password.
Max. Download Rate - Enter the download speed (in kilobytes/s) that the NSA
allows for users who are logged into the NSA.
Max. Upload Rate - Enter the upload speed (in kilobytes/s) that the NSA allows for
users who are logged into the NSA.
Character Set The NSA uses UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) format for FTP by
default. If the NSA’s folders, or file names do not display correctly in your FTP client,
select the appropriate language encoding here.
This setting applies to all FTP client connections to the NSA. It does not affect your
Windows/CIFS connections (it will not correct the character display in Windows
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Reset Click this to restore your previously saved settings.

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ZyXEL NSA325 v2 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl, Polski, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 2 pagina's

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