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Media Server User’s Guide 151
System Setting
7.1 Overview
This chapter gives an overview of the various features included in the system setting screens.
Upgrade the NSA firmware. Use package management to add more useful applications in your NSA.
Identify your NSA on the network and set the time that the NSA follows for its scheduled tasks/logs.
7.2 What You Can Do
•Use the Firmware / Packages screens (Section 7.4 on page 153 to Section 7.5 on page 153) to
upload new firmware and download and install applications from the web.
•Use the Server Name screen (Section 7.6 on page 157) to specify the NSA’s server and
workgroup names.
•Use the Date/Time screen (Section 7.7 on page 157) to set up date/time and choose a time
zone for the NSA.
7.3 What You Need to Know
Package Management
This feature enables you to install and use the following applications:
BackupPlanner - Use this to schedule and run backup jobs for files stored in your NSA to an
internal drive, external storage device or to another NSA in the network.
DyDNS - This gives your NSA a domain name with a dynamic IP address. At the time of writing,
this package supports accounts from the following service providers: DynDNS, NoIP, 3322,
ZoneEdit, and DHS.
Gallery - This web-based application allows your NSA to host pictures. You can upload images in
your local computer or shares to this application. Use the administrator account of your NSA to
log in to the Gallery console. The administrator can then create accounts for other users.
NFS - NFS (Network File System) is a file-sharing protocol most commonly implemented on
Unix-like systems.
NZBGet - This news grabber helps download files from UseNet.
PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin - This tool can be used to manage MySQL through the web. Enter
'root' as the username and '1234' as the password to log in. This includes MySQL 5.1.30, PHP
5.2.8 and phpMyAdmin 3.1.1.

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