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Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your NSA
Media Server User’s Guide
Note that both SATA and eSATA hard disks are treated as internal or SATA volumes in the Storage
screen (Section 8.3 on page 165). Any hard disk connected to the USB port(s) is considered an
external or USB volume.
1.1.3 COPY/SYNC Button
Use the COPY/SYNC button on the front panel to copy or synchronize files between a connected
USB device and the NSA. See Section 10.11 on page 212 for more details on how to configure the
copy/sync settings.
1.1.4 RESET Button
Use the RESET button on the rear panel to restore the NSA’s default settings.
Figure 2 The RESET Button
Press the RESET button until you hear one beep (after about two seconds), then release it. You
will hear one more beep after you release the button.
This resets the NSA’s IP address and password to the default values.
Press the RESET button until you hear two beeps. After the second beep, continue pressing the
button for five more seconds, then release it. You will hear three quick beeps after you release
the button.
This resets the NSA to the factory default configuration. All settings you have configured on the
NSA, including IP address, password, user accounts, groups, and so on will be reset to the
factory defaults.
The reset process does NOT affect the volume settings, nor data stored on the NSA.
You should periodically back up your configuration file to your computer (see Section 18.5 on page
333 for details about managing the NSA’s configuration file). You could then restore your
configuration in the event that you or someone else reset the NSA to the factory defaults.
Note: Keep the NSA in a secure location in order to prevent unauthorized reset of the
You may need to close and re-open the NAS Starter Utility to discover the NSA. This is because the
NSA automatically re-acquires IP address information, so its IP address may change. If no IP
address information is assigned, the NSA uses Auto-IP to assign itself an IP address and subnet
mask. For example, you could connect the NSA directly to your computer. If the computer is also
set to get an IP address automatically, the computer and the NSA will choose addresses for
themselves and be able to communicate.
1 Beep
2 Beeps
IP Address
Clear All Settings
5 more seconds
Release to
Release to Reset

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ZyXEL NSA325 v2 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl, Polski, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 2 pagina's

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