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48 SC1002-001_v02
Meat and poultry
Steam cooking has the advantage that all of the fat drips out of the meat. The cooking temperature is not too high,
therefore choose soft, lean meat and trim fat from meat.
Add fresh herbs during cooking to give the dish a stronger aroma.
Product Type
Weight/number of
Suggested spices Cooking time [min.] Tips
Boneless let
roast meat
250 g (4 pieces)
450 g
Curry, Rosemary,
Carefully trim fat.
Sirloin, loin, steaks or
pork chops
400 g
4 (pieces)
Curry, Lemon balm,
5-10 Carefully trim fat.
Rump steaks, sirloin
steaks or steaks
250 g
Curry, Paprika,
8-10 Carefully trim fat.
Fish and seafood
Frozen sh can be cooked without the need of defrosting if they are divided before cooking and the cooking time is
Add lemon pieces during cooking to strengthen the aroma of the dish.
Product Type
Weight/number of
Suggested spices Cooking time [min.]
Crustacean Fresh 400 g Marjoram, Lemon balm 8-10
Shrimps Fresh 400 g Lemon balm, Garlic 6
Clams Fresh 400 g Lemon balm, Garlic 8-10
Lobster (tail) Frozen 2 pieces 400 g each Horseradish, Garlic 20-22
Fish lets Fresh/Frozen 250 g Mustard seed, Allspice 6-8/10-12
Use the rice bowl (2). Pour a sufcient amount of water with the rice.
Product Type
Amount/Amount of
Cooking time [min.] Tips
Rice White 200 g/300 ml 35-40 Two servings
Cleaning and maintenance (Fig. C)
Before starting cleaning make sure the timer dial is in the
OFF position, and the cooker is unplugged from the power
The cooker may only be cleaned if it has cooled
Remove the steam bowls, the dripping tray, and empty
them; pour the water out of the water container, and wipe it
clean with a wet cloth.
Wash all the parts of the cooker (apart from the water
container housing the heating unit) with warm water with an
addition of washing liquid.
All the above elements of the steam cooker may also be
washed on the top shelf of a washing machine in a short
washing program. However, by constantly using the washing
machine to clean the parts may lead to reducing their polish,
and dulling their surface.
Wipe each element dry.
Do not use running water to clean the water
container housing the heating unit. Also, do
not immerse it in water.
Do not use harsh detergents in lotions, creams, polishes,
etc. to clean the casing of the heating unit. They may remove
the information markings, such as scales, symbols, warning
signs, etc., from its surface.
Removing limescale from the water container
After 2-3 months of constant using, limescale may gather
inside of the water container with the heating unit (13).
It is nothing out of the ordinary. The amount of limescale
depends on the water hardness. It is necessary to remove
the limescale regularly in order to provide a constant amount
of produced steam, and prolong the life of the cooker.
Fill the water container
(13) with white (not dark) vinegar
up to the MAX level.
Do not use chemical agents to remove
limestone or any other products for descaling
available on the market.

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