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Do not put your hands into the cooker during the
cooking process. To check the progress or stir the
products use a kitchen utensil with a long handle.
After nishing work unplug the power cord into the socket.
By using the handles remove the lid, and then remove all
the bowls from the water container.
When removing the steam bowls, always use
oven gloves.
After nishing work do not lean over the
cooker, when the lid is off, or burns may result.
While removing the dripping tray (8) remain
extra careful, as the water in the water container
(13), and the liquid gathered in the dripping tray
may be still hot in spite of other parts of the
cooker being already cool.
Adding water during cooking
While preparing food that needs longer time to cook:
Check water level.
If the water falls below the Min level, add water by means
of the water inlet.
Useful advice
Food prepared in the top steam bowl
(3) may need more
time to be cooked due to a lower temperature of steam in
comparison to the top bowl.
We recommend you to have your products of similar size.
If the portions of food are different in size, it is necessary
to place them in layers with smaller pieces on top.
The products placed in steam bowls
(3), (5), (7) should
not be squeezed. Keep space between the products to
maximize steam ow.
When cooking large quantities of products half way
through the process take the lid (1) off, and stir the food
or turn it over with a kitchen utensil with a long handle,
protecting your hands against steam by means of oven
Salt and spices should be added to the dish only after the
cooking process is over, after taking the food out of the
cooker. This will protect the immersion heater situated in
the water container (13) from damaging.
The liquid gathered in the dripping tray
(8) can be saved
and used to make soups or sauces.
Do not prepare frozen meat, poultry, and seafood in the
steam cooker. You should thoroughly defreeze them rst.
The bowl for preparing soups, boiling rice, and grates
(2) is also an excellent container for fruits, vegetables,
desserts, snacks, etc.
The steam bowls
(3) and (5) are equipped with
detachable bottoms, letting you put larger portions of
food, which would not t into a single bowl.
Cooking time table
The cooking times indicated in the tables and
recipes are approximate. The cooking time may
vary depending on the size of the portion, its
arrangement in the steaming bowl, the food’s
freshness and individual preferences. You can
change the cooking times after familiarizing
yourself with the appliance.
Cook green leaf vegetables for as short as possible, as they quickly lose color.
Do not defrost frozen vegetables before cooking.
Vegetable Type
of pieces
Suggested spices Cooking time [min.] Tips
Artichokes Fresh 3 medium Garlic, Tarragon, Dill 45-50
Asparagus Fresh/Frozen (green) 400 g
Lemon balm, Bay
leaves, Thyme
Crisscross the stalks
to make it easier for
the steam to inltrate.
Broccoli Fresh/Frozen 400 g
Garlic, Crushed
pepper, Tarragon
Sliced carrots Fresh 400 g Anise, Mint, Dill 20-22
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Cauliower Fresh/Frozen 400 g
Rosemary, Basil,
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Spinach Fresh/Frozen 250 g
Chervil, Thyme,
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Beans Fresh 400 g
Caraway, Dill seeds,
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
400 g Basil, Marjoram, Mint 10-12/15-18
Stir in the middle of
the cooking time.
Potatoes (halves) Fresh 400 g Chervil, Chives, Dill 20-22

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