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48 486-005_v01
Switch the juice extractor off immediately, when you
notice strong vibrations or rotation decrease. Clean the
lter and its casing.
Stop the operation and unplug the appliance when
the product is blocked in chute or pulping blade.
Unblock it.
Stop the operation immediately and unplug the
appliance when any liquid gets into the motor. Bring
the juice extractor to the service for inspection.
Do not expose the juice extractor to temperatures over
Do not leave the appliance plugged unattended.
Do not immerse the motor in water neither clean
it under running water.
Do not clean the casing with aggressive detergents,
such as emulsion, milk, paste, etc. They can remove
the graphic symbols such as: scales, labels, caution
signs, etc.
Do not overload the appliance with extensive amount
of product or do not push it to strong (with a pusher),
because a sudden increase of juice amount in the bowl
spout can cause the juice overow out of the lid or into
pulp collector.
Place the motor body near a socket on a at, stable
surface so that the vent holes of the appliance are not
Product information and tips on its use
The appliance is intended for domestic use. In case
it is used for food business purposes, the warranty
conditions shall change.
Unplug after operation.
Clean the metal parts, especially the lter including the
sharp pulping blade with soft brush.
To make the maintenance easier, you can put the
plastic bag into the pulp collector, which you can
remove to the rubbish bin after operation.
Before the rst use, wash thoroughly all elements of
the equipment.
The technical parameters are quoted on the nameplate of
the product.
Admissible time of non-stop operation 15 minutes
An interval between repeated operation 30 minutes
An interval between repeated TURBO usage 10 seconds
Noise generated by the appliance (L
) 75 dB/A
Speed range: I gear, II gear
The juice extractor type 486 is built in I class insulation and
it is equipped with supplying cord with grounding wire and
grounding plug.
It must be plugged into grounded receptacle.
The juice extractor meets applicable norms requirements.
The appliance meets the requirements of the directives:
Low voltage electrical device (LVD) – 2006/95/EC.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – 2004/108/EC.
The product is marked with CE symbol on the nameplate.
Fruit/vegetables Centrifuging speed
Pineapples II
Blueberries I
Peaches I
Beetroots I
Pears I
Apples I
Cabbage II
Fennel I
Raspberries I
Carrots II
Melons I
Apricots I
Nectarines I
Cucumbers I
Kiwi I
Tomatoes I
Celery II
Grapes I

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