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78 481-017_v01
In order to increase the rotation immediately, regardless
set speed, press and hold one of „turbo” buttons (on the right
or left side of the casing).
When you want to return to the previously selected
speed release „turbo” button.
Preparing for operations
Wash the parts in contact with processed product before
rst usage.
Operate the mixer so, that the closed/open markings
located on the appliance are well visible.
Operation with whisks or mixers (Fig. D)
The whisks are intended to whipping eggs white foam,
cream, rubbing yolks with sugar, cream and pancakes or
omelettes dough preparation.
The mixers are intended to work the rubbed dough, yeast
dough, cheeses cakes, imbirbread cakes, etc.
The whisks and mixers shall be assembled in sockets on
the bottom of the robot.
Press until you feel the refusal when the clamps get
When assembled improperly, the parts fall apart
during operation.
Insert the mixer or whisk with toothed bar into the socket
marked with a star.
The reverse assembling of the mixers can
cause lifting up the dough (taking the dough
out of bowl).
The level of products inside the bowl should
not exceed the hight of mixers or whisks
working part (L).
Operation with liquidising disc (Fig. E)
Liquidizing disc is used for liquidizing boiled fruit and
vegetables such as: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, apples
through the sieve. It partly replaces the function of the
mixing adapter.
Insert the liquidizing disc on the whisk with toothed bar
from the bottom side.
Insert the whisk into the socket marked with a star.
Cup (12)
Made of transparent material is used as a container when
mixing adapter is used.
Operation with mixing adapter (Fig. F)
You can use the mixing adapter for:
mixing liquids,
crumbling boiled vegetables and raw, soft fruit,
preparing different mayonnaise and pastes,
preparing soups for infants.
You can assemble the adapter after moving the cover.
Gently press the bolt and slide towards the direction
shown in the gure.
Insert the threaded part into the motor casing hole and
screw it turning right until you feel the refusal.
Inadequate screwing of the mixing adapter can
result in clutch damage or the adapter damage.
Put the adapter into the processed product and switch
the mixer on.
Operation with mixing cup (Fig. G)
Hold the mixer in your hand all the time during
Mixing cup is intended for infant soups preparation, milk
shakes or pancake dough.
It has the label „500 ml max” on both sides, which
indicates the maximum level of product to ll the cup and
graphic scale to determine the volume 200 ml to 500 ml
(according to the symbols in the drawing beside).
After moving the cover (like during assembling the
adapter) assemble the cup the following way: Insert the
mixing cup on the motor part so that the 3 buckles visible at
the bottom of the cup got into the nuts of the motor casing.
Holding the motor casing handle turn the cup clockwise
direction until you feel the refusal.
You shall obtain the proper connection, when the 3 buckles get
under the motor casing, and the fastener on the cup rib move
on the other side of the spherical buckle on the motor casing.
Fill the cup with products and put the cover with the doser
on – you can add next products to the cup during operation.
Operation with stand including turnable bowl (Fig. H)
The stand with assembled motor part makes the operation
with whisks or mixers easy, as the user does not have to hold
the device.
The housing with the bowl is equipped with a self
gathering spatula, which is an innovative solution. It
helps to effectively blend the products, prevents the dough
from gathering on the edges of the bowl and shortens the
preparation time.
The stand head driver automatically makes the head move
pendulum-like and simultaneously turns the bowl with the
mixed product.
You can use the stand with specially prepared whisks and
mixers only. The device equipped with stand includes also
one mixer and one whisk with toothed bar.
Insert the mixers or whisks into the motor casing (as
described above).
Assemble the drive in the stand head after moving the
cover (like during assembling the adapter) the following way:
Insert the drive fasteners (which are located near the holes
for whisks assembling) under the stand head fastener.
1 cm L 1 cm L

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