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76 481-017_v01
Dear Clients!
Congratulations on your choice of our appliance, and
welcome among the users of Zelmer products.
In order to achieve best possible results we recommend
using exclusively original Zelmer accessories. They have
been specially designed for this product.
We kindly ask you to read carefully the operation manual.
We call your special attention to safety precautions. Keep
this operation manual for future reference.
Important safety precautions
Not observance can result in damage to
Plug the mixer to AC mains supply 230 V only.
Do not unplug by pulling the cord.
Do not expose the mixer and its equipment to the
temperature above 60°C. You can damage your mixer.
Do not immerse the mixer motor in water, nor clean it
under running water.
Do not clean the equipment when assembled on the
Do not clean the casing with aggressive detergents,
such as emulsion, milk, paste, etc. They can remove
the graphic symbols such as: scales, labels, caution
signs, etc.
Do not use mixing adapter without immersing it in
products, in case of liquids, their level should not be
higher then the half of adapter height.
Be careful not to ood the inner of mixing adapter
casing with water – after assembling on the motor part,
the motor can get ooded.
Do not use the mixer with empty mixing cup.
Be careful not to ood the bottom space of mixing cup,
containing clutch - after assembling on the motor part,
the motor can get ooded.
Do not put simultaneously the mixer and whisk with
toothed bar into the motor socket. In the moment of
start-up the mixer shall get damaged.
Do not use the mixing attachment or the mixing
jug longer than 3 min., mini food processor and ice
crusher longer than 2 min., and whisks longer than 10
Information on the product and suggestions
for its use
The appliance is intended for domestic use. In case
it is used for food business purposes, the warranty
conditions shall change.
After operation unplug the Power cord and wind on the
mixer motor part.
Do not wash metal parts in a dishwasher. Aggressive
cleaning agents used in such machines cause that a/m
parts get darker. Clean them manually with traditional
washing up liquids.
Put the mixer and whisk with toothed bar into the motor
socket marked with a star.
The manufacturer cannot accept any liability for
damage to the oven or personal injury resulting from
improper usage.
Danger! / Warning!
Health hazard
Do not start up the device, with a visibly damaged cord
or casing.
If the non-detachable part of the cord is damaged,
it should be replaced by the producer or at a proper
service point or by a qualied person in order to avoid
any hazards.
The appliance can only be repaired by qualied service
personnel. Improper servicing may cause a serious
hazard to the user. In case of defects please contact
a qualied service center.
Do not take out working elements from the bowl, when
mixer is on.
Do not touch moving elements with your hands, the
blades of mixing attachment, mixing jug, mini food
processor as well as the ice crusher disc are especially
dangerous. They are very sharp!
Always unplug the appliance before cleaning,
assembling or dismantling.
Turn off the device and unplug it from an outlet before
replacing the equipment or approaching moving parts
during use.
Keep special caution during operation in presence of
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by
a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
Due to safety reasons, the products can only be
blended in the mixing cup when the lid is properly
attached to the cup. It is forbidden to insert any items
to the inside of the cup such as: spoons, spatulas, etc.
It may lead to damage to the mixer or breaking of the
elements inside the cup which may directly enter the
product being blended and this in turn poses a threat to
the health or even life.

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