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Read this manual carefully and become familiar
with your pressure washer. Know its applications,
its limitations, and any hazards involved.
Important Safety Information
Safety Symbols and Meanings
The safety alert symbol indicates a potential personal
injury hazard. A signal word (DANGER, WARNING, or
CAUTION) is used with the alert symbol to designate a
degree or level of hazard seriousness. A safety symbol may
be used to represent the type of hazard. The signal word
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal
DANGER indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazard which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
address practices not related to personal injury.
WARNING The engine exhaust from this product
contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
WARNING This product contains lead and lead
compounds, known to the State of California to cause birth
defects or other reproductive harm. Wash your hands after
handling this product.
Operator's Manual
Slippery Surface
Moving Parts
Flying Objects
Chemical Burn
Fluid Injection
Electrical Shock
Toxic Fumes
Hot Surface
Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a
poisonous gas that could kill you in minutes. You
CANNOT smell it, see it, or taste it. Even if you do
not smell exhaust fumes, you could still be exposed to
carbon monoxide gas. Some chemicals or detergents
could be harmful if inhaled or ingested, resulting in death,
serious injury, nausea, fainting or poisoning.
• Operate this product ONLY outside far away from
windows, doors and vents to reduce the risk of carbon
monoxide gas from accumulating and potentially being
drawn towards occupied spaces.
• Install battery-operated carbon monoxide alarms or
plug-in carbon monoxide alarms with battery back-up
according to the manufacturer's instructions. Smoke
alarms cannot detect carbon monoxide gas.
• DO NOT run this product inside homes, garages,
basements, crawlspaces, sheds, or other partially-
enclosed spaces even if using fans or opening doors
and windows for ventilation. Carbon monoxide can
quickly build up in these spaces and can linger for hours,
even after this product has shut o.
ALWAYS place this product downwind and point the
engine exhaust away from occupied spaces.
If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak while using this
product, shut it o and get to fresh air RIGHT AWAY. See
a doctor. You may have carbon monoxide poisoning.
• Use a respirator or mask whenever there is a chance
that vapors may be inhaled when using chemicals.
• Read all instructions with mask so you are certain the
mask will provide the necessary protection against
inhaling harmful vapors when using chemicals.
WARNING Chemical Burn Hazard.
Chemicals could cause burns resulting in death or
serious injury.
• DO NOT use caustic liquid with pressure washer.
• Use ONLY pressure washer safe detergents/soaps.
Follow all manufacturers instructions.
• Read all the instructions before using the product.
• To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is
necessary when a product is used near children.
• Know how to stop the product and bleed pressures
quickly. Be thoroughly familiar with the controls.
• Stay alert – watch what you are doing.
• Do not operate the product when fatigued or under the
inuence of alcohol or drugs.
• Keep operating area clear of all persons
• Do not overreach or stand on unstable support. Keep
good footing and balance at all times.
• Follow the maintenance instructions specied in the

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