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Product Warranty
Please keep your original purchase receipt in a safe place as proof of purchase. Warranty coverage for this product
must be veri ed by the original purchase receipt. The warranty period begins on the day that the product was purchased
from an authorized retailer of Yard Force products. Warranty coverage only applies to the original purchaser and is not
transferrable. Warranty coverage is only provided on products purchased and used in the USA from authorized Yard Force
retailers. Products purchased or used outside of the USA are not covered by this warranty.
(2) Two-Year Warranty – Pump and Engine
The Y0GWB31EW00 has a 2-Year Limited Warranty from the date of purchase against manufacturer defects for residential
use only. Commercial use voids the warranty. This warranty does not cover accidental damage, unreasonable use, normal
wear and tear, neglect or non-compliance with the Operating, Safety and Maintenance Instructions. All service, outside
of normal maintenance as described in this manual, must be done by an authorized service technician. Any unauthorized
service or changes to the original con
guration of this product will void the warranty. All parts and accessories used on and
with this product must be manufacturer/or and authorized by Merotec Inc.
(90) Ninety-Day Warranty – Accessories
The accessories included with the Y0GWB31EW00; including hose, trigger handle and wand, and other similar parts are
warranted against manufacturer defects for residential use only for a period of 90 days from date of purchase.
Warranty does not cover loss of use or other consequential damages arising from any of the above, nor does it cover
repairs made or attempted by unauthorized persons. This warranty is void if the product is used for commercial, rental or
industrial purposes. Certain parts, attachments and accessories are subject to normal wear and tear and are excluded from
the warranty.
Service and Warranty Claims Process
Contact the Yard Force Support Center toll-free at (866) 902-9690 Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM
Eastern Time for service and warranty support.
Yard Force USA Service Support agents can help you troubleshoot problems over the phone to get you back up and
running as quickly as possible. In the situation where service or warranty inspection is needed, please follow these steps:
1. Contact Yard Force USA at (866) 902-9690 Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time.
2. Send in proof-of-purchase and serial number (if applicable) to con
rm warranty coverage.
3. If service or a warranty evaluation is requested, Yard Force USA will provide an RGA number that should be used in all
communications with Yard Force USA and is required to be indicated on the product itself and on the outside of the box.
4. All shipments to Yard Force USA must have an RGA number. Any shipment received that does not have an RGA number
clearly marked on the outside of the box will be refused.
5. All shipments must be sent pre-paid, Yard Force USA does not pay for any shipping costs for service or warranty
evaluation. Yard Force USA is not responsible for any packages that are lost by carrier. We recommend that shipments are
made by a carrier that provides tracking and delivery con rmation.
For more information or to ask questions, please call toll-free (866) 902-9690 Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM and 5:00
PM Eastern Time.

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