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28 29
Fault/malfunction Cause Remedy
Line trimmer fails to start
The battery pack is
not attached to the
line trimmer.
Attach the battery pack to
the line trimmer
No electrical contact
between the trimmer
and battery.
Remove battery, check
contacts and reinstall the
battery pack.
The battery pack is
depleted Charge the battery pack.
The lock-off lever
and trigger are not
depressed simultane-
Press down the lock-off
lever and hold it, then
depress the trigger to turn
on the line trimmer.
Line trimmer stops while
The motor shaft or
trimmer head is bound
with grass.
Stop the trimmer, remove
the battery, and remove the
grass from the motor shaft
and trimmer head.
The motor is over-
Remove the trimmer head
from the grass. The motor
will recover to work as soon
as the load is removed.
When cutting, move the
trimmer head in and out
of the grass to be cut and
remove no more than 20cm
of length in a single cut.
The battery pack or
line trimmer is too hot.
Allow the battery pack or
trimmer to cool until the
temperature drops below
Trimmer head will not ad-
vance line
The motor shaft or
trimmer head is bound
with grass.
Stop the trimmer, remove
the battery, and remove the
grass from the motor shaft
and trimmer head.
There is not enough
line on the spool.
Remove the battery and
replace the cutting line
To the provisions of Council Directives
Otto-Brenner-Straße 8,
47877 Willich/ Deutschland
Declare that the product:
Description: 20V Grass Trimmer
Model No. LT C25 / N0F-GT-250/18-D
Function: cutting Grass
Complies with the essential health and safety requirements of the
following directives:
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU
EC Directive 2011/65/EU and its amendment Directive (EU) 2015/863 (RoHS) *)
Noise Directive, amended by 2005/88/EC conformity assessment procedure: 2000/14/EC
Annex VI
Measured Sound Power Level: 84.8 dB(A). K=3 dB(A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: 94 dB(A).
Standards and technical specification referred to:
EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017+A1:2019+A2:2019+A14:2019
EN 50636-2-91:2014
EN 62233:2008
EN 55014-1:2017
EN 55014-2:2015
Authorized Signatory
Date: 23.04.2021
Place: Willich
Name: Roland Menken
General Manager
Otto-Brenner-Straße 8,
47877 Willich/ Deutschland
*) The object of the declaration described above satises the provisions of directive
2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 8 June 2011 on limiting
the use of certain harmful substances in electrical and electronic appliances.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yardforce LT C25

Yardforce LT C25 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

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