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Replacing the spool
1. Press together both locking device tabs on the spool cover and remove the cover.
2. Remove the old spool from the spool cover
3. Clean out any dirt or grass residue.
4. Put the new spool in the spool housing, thread the line into the hole.
Winding the line
NOTE: Should you wish to wind the line yourself, the instructions are provided below:
Self-winding, however, is NOT recommended because if the line is not wound properly it can
cause the trimmer’s feed system to malfunction. For this reason, users are strongly urged to
purchase the pre-wound spool.
1. Hold the loose ends of the line together with one hand, insert one end of the line into the
groove on the spool.
2. Wind the line following the directional arrows on the spool housing and hook the two
ends into the side grooves.
WARNING: Before performing any repair work, always remove the battery pack and
wait until the cutting blade has come to a standstill.
1. Clean the unit using a damp cloth with a mild detergent.
2. Do not use any strong detergents on the plastic housing or the handle. They can be
damaged by certain aromatic oils, such as pine and lemon, and by solvents such as
kerosene. Moisture can also cause a shock hazard. Wipe off any moisture with a soft dry
3. Use a small brush or the air discharge of a small vacuum cleaner brush to clean the air
vents on the rear housing.
1. Remove the battery pack from the line trimmer when it is not in use.
2. Clean the tool thoroughly before storing it.
3. Store the unit in a dry, well-ventilated area, locked-up or up high, out of the reach of
children. Do not store the unit on or adjacent to fertilizers, petrol, or other chemicals.
Use the original packaging to ship whenever possible.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yardforce LT C25

Yardforce LT C25 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

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