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• Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or other sources of heat. Never
leave it inside a car where it can get very hot. Also avoid highly humid
or dusty places.
Interference From
Electromagnetic Fields
• Do not use your PortaTone close to television sets, radios or similar
equipment since this may cause interference noise in the other appliance.
• Protect your PortaTone from strong impact. Be careful not to drop it or
place heavy objects on it. Avoid applying excessive force to the
controls and keys.
When Not Using the PortaTone
• After use, always turn off the POWER switch. When not using your
PortaTone for long periods, be sure to remove the batteries to avoid
damage through battery leakage. When using the PortaTone with an
AC adaptor, unplug the adaptor from the electrical outlet, if the
instrument is not to be used for a long period of time, or during
electrical storms.
• Clean the exterior with a soft, dry cloth. To remove stubborn stains,
use a slightly moistened cloth.
• Never use alcohol, thinner, or other chemical solvents, since they will
damage the finish. Also, do not leave vinyl chloride material on the
PortaTone for a long time, since it may adhere to the exterior.
Yamaha is not responsible for damage caused by improper
Main Features
The PortaTone is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use keyboard with
the following features and functions:
Exceptionally realistic sounds with 100 AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) Voices, utilizing digital
recordings of actual instruments.
100 dynamic auto accompaniment Styles, each with different Intro, Main A and B, four Fill-ins,
and Ending sections. Each of the 100 Styles also has its own Jam Track section, featuring
specially programmed chord progressions and accompaniment that matches the selected musical
Large custom LCD gives you easy, at-a-glance confirmation of all important settings.
Convenient control over accompaniment Styles — including Tempo, independent Accompaniment
Volume, and even accompaniment “size” (LARGE/SMALL control).
20 Songs, for listening enjoyment or for playing along with when using the Minus One function.
One Touch Setting, for automatically calling up an appropriate Voice for playing with the Style
or Song you select.
High-quality amplifier/speaker system (stereo for the PSR-190).
on your purchase of
the Yamaha PortaTone!
on your purchase of
the Yamaha PortaTone!
You now own a portable keyboard that combines advanced
functions, great sound and exceptional ease-of-use in a highly
compact package. Its outstanding features also make it an
remarkably expressive and versatile instrument.
Read this Owner’s Manual carefully while playing your new
PortaTone in order to take full advantage of its various features.
— Taking Care of Your PortaTone
Your new PortaTone is a fine musical instrument — and should be treated as such.
Handle it with care and common sense, and it will give you years of enjoyment.
PSR-190/78_US.QX 56.8.27 23:03 ページ 1

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yamaha PSR-190

Yamaha PSR-190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 13 pagina's

Yamaha PSR-190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

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