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5. Stop the Song.
Press the START/STOP button. If playback was started
by pressing the START/STOP button, the selected Song
stops automatically at the end.
If Minus One is on, the selected Song repeats playback
indefinitiely. Also, if you start Song playback with the DEMO button,
all Songs play back repeatedly in succession from the song number
01, indefinitely.
Minus One
Minus One, as its name implies, takes away the melody
part of the Song, allowing you to play that part yourself.
You can turn Minus One on before starting a Song, or do
it even while a Song is playing. To help you play the
“missing” melody, scores for all Songs have been
provided; see pages 11.
To use the Minus One function with the selected Song,
press the MINUS ONE button. (The Minus One icon
appears in the display.)
MINUS ONE button MINUS ONE icon in display
One Touch Setting in the Song Mode
The One Touch Setting function works with the Minus One
function and automatically selects an appropriate Voice
for playing the melody along with the Song you select.
To turn on the One Touch Setting function, press the ONE
TOUCH SETTING button. (The OTS icon appears in the
To turn the function off, press the button again.
Keep in mind that even with the One Touch Setting
function on, there are some Songs which change the selected
Voice in the middle of the Song.
ONE TOUCH SETTING button OTS icon in display
Possible Cause and Solution
This is normal and indicates that the PortaTone is receiving electrical power.
The battery power is too low. Replace the batteries. (See page 2)
Too many keys are pressed at the same time. The PortaTone is polyphonic up
to a maximum of 12 notes. (See the note on page 4)
The AWM tone generation method uses multiple recordings (samples) of an
instrument across the range of the keyboard; thus, the actual sound of the
Voice may be slightly different from note to note.
Check that nothing is connected to the PHONES/AUX OUT jack on the rear
panel. When a set of headphones is plugged into this jack, no sound is output.
When the PortaTone is turned on or off, a buzzing sound is
temporarily produced.
The sound of the Voices or rhythms seems unusual or
The PSR-190/78 is suddently reset to the default status.
Not all notes are heard when playing a number of notes
The sound of the Voice changes from note to note.
There is no sound even when the keyboard is played or
when a Song is being played back.
PSR-190/78_US.QX 56.8.27 23:04 ページ 10

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Andere handleiding(en) van Yamaha PSR-190

Yamaha PSR-190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 13 pagina's

Yamaha PSR-190 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

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